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3 mai 2013 5 03 /05 /mai /2013 01:00

Lancement du « Palestinian Museum » à Bir Zeït

mercredi 1er mai 2013 - 14h:57

Le Philistin

Jeudi dernier a été le jour de la pose de la première pierre d’un musée « transnational » dédié à la culture, l’histoire et la société de la Palestine, conçu pour les Palestiniens des Territoires et d’Israël mais aussi de la diaspora.
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Situé à Bir Zeit près de Ramallah en Cisjordanie, le « Palestinian Museum » reliera « tous les Palestiniens, où qu’ils se trouvent, avec une précieuse source d’information sur la Palestine et son histoire  », ont expliqué les organisateurs, en insistant sur sa dimension « électronique  » afin de toucher la diaspora.
Pour la première fois, un musée moderne présentera les narratifs des Palestiniens, via des expositions d’objets et documents historiques, en combinant l’art visuel, la recherche scientifique et les programmes éducatifs, le concret et le virtuel, ont-ils précisé.Palestinian-Museum
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«  Ce sera davantage qu’un bâtiment traditionnel avec des vestiges archéologiques. Nous avons comme ambition une institution qui transcendera toutes les frontières, géographiques et politiques », a expliqué aux journalistes le directeur du projet, Omar Al-Qattan.
Le coût de cet établissement de 40.000 m2, érigé près de l’université de Bir Zeit et dont la première phase de construction devrait être achevée à l’automne 2014, est évalué à 20 millions de dollars (15,25 M EUR).
Conçu par un cabinet d’architecture basé à Dublin, il sera financé par la Welfare Association, une ONG caritative indépendante fondée par des entrepreneurs palestiniens.
La ministre palestinienne de la Culture Siham Barghouti a souligné « l’importance du lien entre la mémoire et l’histoire palestiniennes, et du maintien des contacts avec les Palestiniens partout dans le monde ».

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18 avril 2013 - Le Philistin



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3 mai 2013 5 03 /05 /mai /2013 00:55
Robert Fisk: Assad sends his feared militia squads to the battlefront

Syria’s ‘ghost’ soldiers have been accused of torturing and killing civilians. Soon they will be controlling newly captured towns, reports our Middle East correspondent


In a decision that is certain to arouse fear among the regime’s enemies, the Syrian government has decreed that thousands of volunteers loyal to President Bashar al-Assad should be recruited into uniformed and armed units under Syrian army command to fight on the front lines against anti-Assad rebels, and to control newly “liberated” towns and villages. The “National Defence Forces” will, according to their commander – interviewed by The Independent in the fiercely loyalist city of Latakia – include tens of thousands of recruits, many of them from the same Alawite branch of the Shia Islam sect to which the President belongs.

In a decision that is certain to arouse fear among the regime’s enemies, the Syrian government has decreed that thousands of volunteers loyal to President Bashar al-Assad should be recruited into uniformed and armed units under Syrian army command to fight on the front lines against anti-Assad rebels, and to control newly “ liberated” towns and villages. The “National Defence Forces” will, according to their commander – interviewed by The Independent in the fiercely loyalist city of Latakia – include tens of thousands of recruits, many of them from the same Alawite branch of the Shia Islam sect to which the President belongs.
The Syrian opposition already claims that the regime’s decision will merely legalise the brutal pro-Baathist “shabiha” militia – a word that can be chillingly translated as “ghosts” – which is accused of torturing and killing both civilians and armed opponents of the government around the central city of Homs. But Syrian officers charged with training and commanding the new “defence force” insist that it will be kept under the strictest military discipline and used only as a support for the regular army in its battle against the rebels.
“We are trying to stop undisciplined militias everywhere,” the National Defence Force’s commanding general told me in his office in Latakia. “We and our leadership, side by side with the [government] Syrian Arab Army will try to stop looting and killing in every part of Syria – by all sides.”
The general – the only senior officer in a visit to north-western Syria, who asked me not to reveal even his first name – said that his men would be divided into two separate forces.
“They will be on the front lines, performing the same tasks as the army, and they will also form a self-defence force in the villages to protect government offices and buildings.”
The creation of this new force could indicate that the regular army, after its recent military successes, is short of manpower; or that Syria’s President – aware of the lawlessness of pro-government militias and the massive condemnation they have provoked internationally – realises that they must be brought under the control of the armed forces to avoid further bloodshed. According to the general, however, the new force “does not mean that the Syrian army is weak”, but that it will be able to maintain control of areas “until the arrival of the Syrian army” in towns and villages loyal to the government. “Their job will be monitoring, protecting and collecting intelligence and helping the Syrian army to advance,” he said.
National Defence Force recruits who fight on the front lines will be paid £100 a month and will be armed with AK-47s, pistols, light rockets and Russian-made heavy machine guns. After a month of training, they will wear army uniform and must serve full-time until the end of hostilities – or “the crisis” as Syrian officers refer to the war. For “courageous achievements” at the front, recruits will receive extra payment. Those remaining in villages and towns will be unpaid. “They are doctors, engineers, farmers and shopkeepers,” the general said soothingly.
But this is no “Dad’s Army” of ancient military veterans and local mayors. The only members of the force identified by an officer to me in Latakia were young men aboard a truck mounted with a heavy machine gun near the airport. All were carrying Kalashnikovs and all wore black ski-masks. When I went to meet the general in Latakia, I found a decoration of a huge 15ft-long, double-bladed metal sword – a symbol of Shia Islam – on the wall of his outer office. To put it mildly, this did give a slightly disturbing edge to his claim that his was a secular part-time army.
The general became upset when I suggested to him that his new force – especially in the Latakia region – would be composed mainly of Alawites. “The majority of the people in the coastal areas are Alawites,” he roared at me. “But why don’t you ask about our National Defence Force recruits in Aleppo and Hama and all the other governorates where there are even more recruits than in Latakia? They are of all religions. The people want to keep Syria safe because they love their country.”
This, of course, is a view that can be applied to the government’s opponents. The tens of thousands of civilians who originally protested against the regime’s continuing rule in 2011, also proclaimed their love of country. But since the Free Syrian Army and its cohorts of “jihadis” coalesced into an armed insurrection against Assad in Idlib and around Aleppo, Hama, Homs – and indeed, in the suburbs of Damascus – government forces have felt able to portray their enemies as “foreign terrorists”, the very words the Latakia general used to describe the target of his National Defence Force.
When I recalled for him the fate of the Algerian “village defenders”, recruited in similar circumstances by the Algerian government in the ferocious 1990s war against Islamists – and whose wives and children were massacred by the Islamists once they had left their towns for the front lines – the general shook his head vigorously.
"What happened in Algeria will not happen here,” he said. “On the coastal front near here, we have not lost a single martyr in our forces. Our people know the mountains and the valleys on the front lines, which are tough places in which to fight. It is a mistake to call honest people who defend their lands and dignity ‘ shabiha’. The television chains which lie use this word to refer to people who loot and kill – but why do these television reporters use this term ‘shabiha’ to describe these honest people?”
The general was warming to his subject. “Why don’t they refer to the foreigners who come here from Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia – even Europe – as terrorists? What do they mean by ‘shabiha’? Do they mean those who thieve and kill, or what? But the acts of the ‘ takfiri’ are known to everybody. They are terrorists.” In its most literal interpretation, a takfiri is a Muslim who accuses a co-religionist of apostasy, but it has become shorthand in Syria for Islamic extremism. Even now, the general continued, National Defence Force volunteers had taken over government army positions on a 1,625-metre hill called Nabi Younis from which they can control large stretches of road across Hama, Idlib and Latakia. “ The National Defence Force is now responsible for keeping these roads open.”
The new “army” will have one clear advantage for the regime; as well as putting thousands of new men under arms, it provides an alternative to the system of conscription which has failed in time of war in so many Middle East states, from Afghanistan to Iraq. And its roots were planted months ago. Since last year, armed men in civilian clothes have guarded Catholic and Orthodox Christian villages north of Damascus.





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3 mai 2013 5 03 /05 /mai /2013 00:50

le 29 Avril 2013


Le combat pour les droits et la liberté
À Ramallah, des responsables associatifs et politiques de Palestine et du monde entier ont dressé le nouveau cadre de la lutte pour les droits des Palestiniens.
Ramallah (territoires palestiniens occupés), envoyé spécial. «Le peuple palestinien a une ressource de résistance qui ne se tarira jamais, jusqu’à l’avènement d’un État palestinien indépendant. » C’est Marwan Barghouti, emprisonné depuis maintenant onze ans pour une peine de cinq fois la prison à vie avec quarante ans incompressibles, qui s’exprime ainsi. Une longue lettre lue par son épouse Fadwa devant les participants réunis à Ramallah autour de la cause des prisonniers politiques.
Pour la première fois en une décennie, cette femme courageuse a senti qu’un vent nouveau soufflait enfin. Pas uniquement parce que les délégués à cette conférence placée sous l’égide de « la liberté et de la dignité », venaient des quatre coins de la planète. Mais parce que se réunissaient enfin, ensemble, des associations, des organisations non gouvernementales, des parlementaires européens, des juristes internationaux, des dirigeants des différents partis palestiniens et des membres de l’Autorité palestinienne. Un fait politique majeur qui marque une nouvelle étape dans le combat des Palestiniens. Les messages transmis aux conférenciers, de Mahmoud Abbas à l’ancien président américain Jimmy Carter, en passant par celui du président du Parlement européen, Martin Schulz, ou de l’ancien ministre français Hubert Védrine, en témoignent.
œuvrer à la libération des 4 900 détenus
Dans la dernière période, alors que le processus de paix est pratiquement mort, les prisonniers palestiniens ont mené une lutte dure, passant par des grèves de la faim, reliant leur combat à celui de leur peuple tout entier. Le sentiment était unanime, il faut maintenant œuvrer concrètement à la libération de ces 4 900 détenus et, au-delà, en finir avec l’impunité d’Israël qui bafoue les lois internationales. C’est Thierry Aury, au nom de l’Association de jumelage des villes françaises avec les camps de réfugiés palestiniens (AJPF), qui insiste pour que « Marwan Barghouti soit le Nelson Mandela de notre époque ». Il propose « une grande campagne internationale afin que sa figure devienne familière à des millions de personnes et que des sanctions économiques soient appliquées contre Israël ». Il rejoignait ainsi Ahmed Khatrada, compagnon de détention de Mandela pendant vingt-six ans, qui avait tenu à faire le déplacement en terre palestinienne pour dire combien les sanctions avaient contribué à la chute du régime de l’apartheid. Le représentant du Parti socialiste européen (PSE) prenait, lui, en exemple l’attitude de ces municipalités françaises ayant nommé Marwan Barghouti citoyen d’honneur, exemple, selon lui, à multiplier partout en Europe. « En menant le combat sur les enjeux du droit et autour de Marwan Barghouti, il est possible de créer un grand mouvement fédérateur mondial qui forcera les gouvernements à changer d’attitude », soulignait Patrick Le Hyaric, député européen GUE-Verts nordiques. Taoufik Tahani, vice-président de l’Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS), demandait pour sa part à « réactiver le réseau international de soutien à la résistance populaire non violente des Palestiniens ». Majed Bamya, coordinateur de la conférence, résumait les travaux : « Nous sommes en train de reformuler l’équation. 
C’est un problème d’occupation et d’oppression. »

Pierre Barbancey



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3 mai 2013 5 03 /05 /mai /2013 00:45


Israelis burn Palestinian fields and stone vehicles in West Bank after father is stabbed to death at settlement bus stop

Salam Zaghal drew a large knife and killed Evyatar Borowski before reportedly firing at Israeli border police


Israeli protesters blocked West Bank roads, stoned Palestinian vehicles and set fire to Palestinian-owned fields after a 31 year-old father of five was stabbed to death as he waited at a bus stop used by Israelis and Palestinians near an Israeli settlement early this morning.
Evyatar Borowski, a popular local actor who was studying to be a medical clown, died before medics could arrive after Salam Zaghal, 24, a Palestinian from a village near Tulkarm, drew a large knife and stabbed him. Eyewitnesses said Zaghal grabbed Borowski’s pistol and started shooting at nearby Israeli border police. Zaghal was wounded in the ensuing firefight and arrested.
Mr Borowski was the first Israeli to die in a West Bank attack since 2011. “He was not afraid to live in this area despite my efforts to dissuade him from living there,” his father told Israel Army Radio.
Hours later, Israeli soldiers raided Zaghal’s home in the village of Shucha. He was released from an Israeli jail six months ago after a three-year sentence for stone-throwing. His brother was jailed by the Palestinian Authority yesterday, accused of collaborating with Israel. One theory is that he carried out the attack to distance the family from his brother.
The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the militant wing of President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party, said it carried out the attack in revenge for the recent deaths of two Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.
“With dignity and honour and profound respect, the al-Aqsa Brigades in Palestine declares its full responsibility for the killing of the settler in the heroic operation… this morning carried out by the liberated prisoner, the hero, Salam Asa’ad Zaghal,” the statement declared.
“The Martyrs’ Brigades have received a green light to carry out a series of quality operations against the occupation and give these operations as a gift to all prisoners in the occupation prisons.”
Dozens of settlers attacked Palestinian cars and property in the West Bank in protest at the stabbing. Settlers from Yitzhar, where Mr Borowski lived, were reported to have smashed the window of a mosque in the nearby village of Urif and attempted to burn it down. The windshield of a bus carrying a group of Palestinian schoolgirls was shattered by stone-throwers, injuring the driver. Israeli firefighters struggled to control a series of fires after fields in Palestinian villages were set ablaze. A group of teenage girls were arrested after they blocked a road to stop Palestinian traffic.
Settler leaders said the attack resulted from lenient policies towards Palestinian stone-throwers and called on Israeli leaders to protect them.
“The terror attack this morning is a direct continuation of the incitement within the Palestinian Authority and the forgiving attitude toward rock-throwing attacks,” said Avi Roeh, chairman of the Yesha Council of Israeli settlers in the West Bank. “All the talk about 'goodwill gestures' and the release of prisoners is also motivating the murderers.”




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2 mai 2013 4 02 /05 /mai /2013 01:00
Marwan Barghouti : Israël n’est pas disposée à faire la paix

Assawra (AFP), mercredi 1er mai 2013

Marwan Bar­ghouti du mou­vement Fatah, condamné à per­pé­tuité dans les prisons israé­liennes, considère qu’Israël n’est pas disposé à faire la paix.
Dans une lettre envoyée de la prison israé­lienne de Hadarim où il est détenu, et s’adressant à la confé­rence pour le soutien de la cause des pri­son­niers pales­ti­niens qui se tenait à Ramallah il indique : " En Israël, il n’y a ni la volonté ni le lea­dership ni une com­mu­nauté qui soit prête à prendre ses res­pon­sa­bi­lités pour mettre fin à l’occupation et de par­venir à la paix."
"Il n’y a pas en Israël un De Gaulle qui a mis fin à la colo­ni­sation de l’Algérie, ni un De klerk qui a mis fin au régime d’apartheid en Afrique du Sud."
Il a sou­ligné, dans le même contexte, que " le gou­ver­nement israélien est hostile à la paix, il béné­ficie du soutien illimité des États-​​Unis, ce qui l’encourage à pour­suivre l’occupation, la colo­ni­sation et la per­sé­cution des Palestiniens."
Il est à noter que des per­son­na­lités pales­ti­niennes et étran­gères ont par­ticipé à la confé­rence de soutien à la cause des pri­son­niers pales­ti­niens détenus en Israël qui s’est tenue à Ramallah pour le onzième anni­ver­saire de l’arrestation de Marwan Barghouti.



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2 mai 2013 4 02 /05 /mai /2013 00:40

le 1 Mai 2013

Nourredine Hached : "On n'assassine pas les idées"


Le 5 décembre 1952, le syndicaliste tunisien Fahrat Hached était assassiné par la « Main rouge », organisation armée favorable à la présence française en Tunisie. 60 ans après sa disparition, la Ville de Paris lui a rendu hommage en attribuant une place à son nom dans le 13e arrondissement.
Sous un ciel gris et dans le vacarme des travaux du quartier de la Bibliothèque François Mitterrand en pleine mutation, plusieurs centaines de personnes ont répondu présent à un hommage inhabituel et vibrant. Syndicalistes, élus et militants associatifs (Vérité et Justice, Ligue des droits de l’homme) étaient suspendus aux lèvres d’intervenants venus célébrer la mémoire de Fahart Hached. 
A la tribune, Nourredine, diplomate tunisien et fils de Fahrat Hached, ne cache pas son émotion : « la grande absente aujourd’hui est notre mère, souffrante, qui a attendu 61 ans cette reconnaissance. Elle est extrêmement touchée par ce geste hautement symbolique ». Remerciements effectués, il « en appelle aujourd’hui à l’Etat français pour mettre en lumière les conditions de l’assassinat de son mari ». Il poursuit : « l’UGTT (Union générale des travailleurs tunisiens), cette grande œuvre créée par mon père, continue de vivre. Elle est plus que jamais utile dans un contexte sociale et économique aussi critique. » Le fils Hached insiste sur « une cérémonie qui est la première du genre et la reconnaissance concrète d’une personnalité valeureuse, porteuse d’un projet travailliste et progressiste qui résonne bien au delà de la Tunisie ». Sous les applaudissements, il conclue : « on n’assassine pas les idées. »
Houcine Abassi, ancien instituteur et actuel secrétaire général de l’UGTT, déclare au micro : « notre organisation apprécie à juste mesure cette initiative. C’est un pas encourageant pour consolider la solidarité entre nos deux pays. Malgré les blessures encore ouvertes, cette coopération entre les peuples français et tunisien n’en sortira que plus renforcée. » Incriminant la Main rouge, « milice meurtrière » suspectée d’avoir été crée par certains agents des services secrets français (SDECE), il exige que « la vérité soit faite sur la responsabilité de cette organisation dans ce crime et celle de ses appuis français de l’époque».
"Nous avons le droit à la vérité"
Bertrand Delanoë, Maire de Paris, abonde ce point de vue : « Ce moment n'est pas neutre. Il n’y a pas de colonialisme avec des effets heureux. Car il ne peut y avoir d’émancipation là où il y a domination. Je demande avec amitié mais détermination à Jean-Marc Ayrault et Laurent Fabius d’ouvrir les archives. Nous avons le droit à la vérité ». Saluant la présence nombreuse et visible de cette « Tunisie au travail » à l’inauguration, il tranche: « Farhat Hached a été assassiné par l’extrême droite colonialiste française ».
Dans le public, l’historien Gilles Manseron, qui a participé le 12 janvier à un colloque à l’Assemblée nationale sur la question des crimes coloniaux, est venu apporter son soutien. Il considère de son côté que plusieurs associations et chercheurs « disposent d’assez d’éléments pour établir que cet assassinat a été le fait d’une décision politique française derrière le paravent de la Main rouge». Il invite les pouvoirs publics à s’appuyer notamment sur «le journal du Président Vincent Auriol qui nous apprend des choses sur ce sinistre épisode».
Bernard Thibault, ancien secrétaire général de la CGT, a tenu lui aussi à venir témoigner sa solidarité. Il se réjouit du fait qu’au dernier Congrès de la CGT un protocole rapproché ait été signé avec l’UGTT. Il salue la mémoire « de ce grand syndicaliste tunisien, internationaliste qui a rayonné dans les milieux travailleurs et dont le premier engagement a été celui de la CGT française. »
A la sortie de la cérémonie, Nourredine Hached est assailli par les journalistes. Il répète qu’il ne cherche ni repentance ni indemnisation de la part de l’Etat français. Il estime en revanche « qu’il est temps d’ouvrir ce livre du passé, de fournir les éléments qui permettront sereinement de regarder la vérité, de la juger. » Il renchérit, en forme de conclusion : « Nous demandons que la France soit au niveau de l’amour que nous lui portons ».
Il confie sentir "pour la première fois quelque chose vibrer, une voix possible".





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1 mai 2013 3 01 /05 /mai /2013 01:10
Mur de séparation : Les chrétiens palestiniens en appellent au pape

L’isolement progressif des habitants de Bethléem et la confiscation de leurs terres par le mur de sécurité israélien ont incité la communauté chrétienne de Palestine à adresser une lettre ouverte au pape François. Le Secours Catholique est solidaire de ses coreligionnaires et dénonce avec eux les spoliations dont ils sont régulièrement victimes.
© Elodie Perriot/Secours Catholique Israël excipe de raisons sécuritaires pour justifier la construction du mur et s'approprier la terre qu'elle confisque aux populations palestiniennes - JPEG - 348.9 ko
© Elodie Perriot/Secours Catholique

Israël excipe de raisons sécuritaires pour justifier la construction du mur et s’approprier la terre qu’elle confisque aux populations palestiniennes
Les représentants de la ville chrétienne de Beit Jala, près de Bethléem, ont adressé une lettre au pape dans laquelle ils écrivent : "Nous sommes menacés de voir la plupart de nos terrains confisqués par l’occupant militaire israélien qui a déjà commencé à construire le “fameux mur” annexant la terre palestinienne chrétienne."
Cette lettre ouverte est un appel au secours des habitants de Beit Jala après que la justice israélienne se soit prononcée la semaine dernière en faveur de la construction du mur de séparation dans la vallée palestinienne de Crémisan, site agricole de 170 hectares.
Une commission spéciale d’appel, statuant sur les confiscations de terre, a rejeté les recours présentés par les propriétaires fonciers de Crémisan et par la société Saint-Yves de Jérusalem, une association catholique de défense des droits de l’Homme qui représentait les religieuses d’un couvent salésien également affecté par le tracé du mur.
Le pape François, en qui les chrétiens palestiniens fondent aujourd’hui leur espoir, devrait recevoir cette semaine le président israélien Shimon Peres, que les rédacteurs de la lettre estime être "un des principaux auteurs de la politique israélienne de colonisation en Palestine occupée."
© Elodie Perriot/Secours Catholique JPEG - 418.6 ko
© Elodie Perriot/Secours Catholique
Les terres que le mur va confisquer en les faisant basculer en territoire israélien sont plantées de vignobles.
La communauté monastique salésienne cultive ces coteaux depuis 1891 et le raisin qui y est récolté produit un vin réputé.
La plainte des agriculteurs de Crémisan remonte à 2006. Outre l’appel au pape, les plaignants n’ont plus comme seul recours que de saisir la Cour suprême israélienne.
Le "mur de l’apartheid", comme l’ont baptisé les Palestiniens, ceinture les populations palestiniennes et les sépare de leurs terres, qui, bien souvent, sont leur unique ressource.
Le dossier du journal Messages d’avril dénonçait cet état de fait que la justice internationale condamne régulièrement (Exemple, la Cour internationale de Justice exigeait en juillet 2004 le démantèlement de cette "barrière illégale"), comme le font aussi l’Assemblée générale ou le Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies dont la plupart des résolutions ne sont pas respectées par Israël.

J.D. (avec AFP)

Sur les mêmes thèmes



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30 avril 2013 2 30 /04 /avril /2013 01:00

Quand le déni israélien de l’existence des Palestiniens devient politique génocidaire...

samedi 27 avril 2013 - 13h:52

Ilan Pappé

Dans une interview fleuve donnée à la presse israélienne, à la veille du « Jour de l’Indépendance », Shimon Peres, l’actuel président israélien, a déclaré ce qui suit :
« Je me souviens comment tout a commencé. L’ensemble de l’État d’Israël est un millimètre de l’ensemble du Moyen-Orient. C’était une terre aride et décevante... Les marais dans le nord, le désert dans le sud, deux lacs dont un mort, et un fleuve proche de l’épuisement. Aucune ressource naturelle en dehors de la malaria. Il n’y avait rien ici. Et nous avons maintenant la meilleure agriculture dans le monde ? C’est un miracle : un pays construit par un peuple » (Maariv, le 14 avril 2013).
Ce récit fabriqué de toutes pièces, exprimé par le citoyen numéro un et porte-parole d’Israël, met en évidence combien le récit historique peut conditionner la réalité actuelle. Ce mensonge présidentiel éhonté résume la réalité, à la veille de la commémoration du 65e anniversaire de la Nakba, du nettoyage ethnique de la Palestine historique. Ce qui est troublant, après 65 ans, n’est pas le fait que la tête emblématique du soi-disant État juif - et de d’ailleurs presque tout le monde dans le gouvernement nouvellement élu et dans le parlement - s’accorde avec ce genre de vues. La réalité inquiétante et difficile à supporter est l’impunité générale dont bénéficient tous ces menteurs.
Le refus de l’existence des Palestiniens indigènes et son affirmation en 2013, dans la mythologie de Peres d’un peuple sans terre, expose la dissonance cognitive * dans lequel il vit : il nie l’existence d’environ douze millions de personnes vivant dans et à proximité du pays auquel ils appartiennent. L’histoire montre que les conséquences humaines sont terribles et catastrophiques quand des gens puissants, à la tête d’un État moderne, nient l’existence d’un peuple qui est pourtant tout à fait présent.
Ce refus était inscrit dès le début du sionisme et il a conduit à la purification ethnique en 1948. Et c’est ce qui aujourd’hui peut conduire à des catastrophes similaires dans l’avenir - sauf si ce n’est arrêté immédiatement.
La dissonance cognitive
Les auteurs du nettoyage ethnique en 1948 étaient les colons sionistes qui sont venus en Palestine, comme Shimon Peres d’origine polonaise, avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ils ont nié l’existence des peuples autochtones qu’ils rencontraient, qui vivaient là depuis des centaines d’années, sinon plus. Les sionistes n’avaient alors pas les moyens de trouver une solution à la dissonance cognitive qu’ils vivaient : leur conviction que la terre était vide, malgré la présence de tant d’habitants autochtones sur place.
Ils ont presque résolu cette dissonance quand ils ont expulsé autant de Palestiniens que possible en 1948 - et n’ont été laissés qu’une petite minorité de Palestiniens à l’intérieur de l’État juif.
Mais la cupidité sioniste pour le territoire et la conviction idéologique qu’une beaucoup plus grande part de la Palestine était nécessaire pour disposer d’un État juif viable, ont conduit à constamment imaginer et mener des opérations pour agrandir l’État.
Avec la création du « Grand Israël » après la conquête de la Cisjordanie et de Gaza en 1967, la dissonance est revenue. Mais cette fois-ci, pas de solution facile en usant de nettoyage ethnique... Le nombre de Palestiniens était plus important. Ceux-ci avaient confiance en eux-mêmes et leur mouvement de libération était représenté avec force sur le terrain. Même les pro-israéliens les plus habituels et les plus cyniques sur ​​la scène internationale, devaient reconnaître leur existence.
La dissonance a été résolue d’une manière différente. La terre sans peuple devenait n’importe quelle partie du grand Israël que l’État voulait à présent judaïser dans les frontières d’avant 1967 ou dans les territoires occupés en 1967. « La terre avec un peuple » était alors limitée à la bande de Gaza et à quelques enclaves en Cisjordanie ainsi qu’à l’intérieur d’Israël. Quant à « la terre sans peuple », elle est destinée à s’étendre progressivement dans l’avenir, provoquant le confinement d’un grand nombre d’habitants [autochtones] comme conséquence directe de cet empiètement.
Un nettoyage ethnique progressif
Il n’est cependant pas évident de s’apercevoir de ce nettoyage ethnique progressif sauf si on le place dans le contexte d’un processus historique. Aujourd’hui, même lorsque les individus et les groupes les plus conscients en Israël comme en Occident tentent de se pencher sur les politiques israéliennes, leur noble démarche est vouée à l’échec car placée dans un contexte contemporain, et non pas historique.
Comparer la Palestine à d’autres régions ou endroits a toujours posé problème. Mais avec l’actualité meurtrière que vivent la Syrie, l’Irak et bien d’autres contrées, la question devient un défi de taille. Le dernier blocus, la dernière arrestation politique, le dernier assaut, le dernier meurtre d’un jeune garçon représentent tous des crimes atroces mais qui sont bien pâles à côté des champs de la mort, qu’ils soient proches ou éloignés, et des zones où sont commises d’énormes atrocités.
Un récit criminel
Toutefois, la comparaison devient différente lorsqu’elle est mise dans le cadre historique, et c’est justement sous cet angle qu’il faut l’exposer et l’analyser afin de réaliser l’étendue criminelle du récit de Peres qui s’avère aussi abominable que l’occupation, ou peut-être pire. Ainsi, d’après le président d’Israël et lauréat du Prix Nobel de la Paix, il n’y a jamais eu de Palestiniens avant qu’il n’engage, en 1993, le processus d’Oslo. Après cette date, il n’y a eu que ceux qui vivaient dans une petite partie de la Cisjordanie et de la Bande de Gaza.
Dans son discours, Peres a déjà éliminé la plupart des Palestiniens. En effet, si vous n’existiez pas avant son arrivée en Palestine, donc vous n’existez certainement pas en 2013, pendant qu’il est président. Et c’est en vérité cette élimination même qui donne au nettoyage ethnique son aspect génocidaire. Lorsque vous êtes carrément effacés des livres d’histoire et du discours des principales personnalités politiques, sachez alors que le prochain danger qui vous guette serait votre élimination physique.
Ce ne sont pas de simples mots, c’est la réalité qui a déjà eu lieu. Les premiers sionistes, y compris l’actuel président, avaient parlé du transfert des Palestiniens longtemps avant 1948, date à laquelle ils avaient réellement été expulsés de leurs terres. Ces concepts d’une Palestine vide des Arabes nourrissent chaque agenda, chaque journal et chaque conversation intérieure sioniste depuis le début du 20ème siècle. En fait, si on désigne le néant dans un endroit bondé, la question peut paraître comme de l’ignorance délibérée. Mais si l’on parle du néant comme vision ou bien comme une réalité indéniable, là ça devient une question de pouvoir et d’opportunité avant que la vision ne devienne réalité.
Le déni se poursuit
L’interview de Peres à la veille de la commémoration du 65ème anniversaire de la Nakba (catastrophe) donne froid dans le dos, non pas à cause de son contenu qui trouve des excuses aux actes de violence commis contre les Palestiniens, mais plutôt à cause de l’absence totale des Palestiniens de son autosatisfaction et l’admiration des réalisations sionistes en Palestine. Il est, de ce fait, ahurissant et déroutant d’apprendre que les premiers sionistes qui arrivèrent en Palestine en 1882, avaient à l’époque nié l’existence des Palestiniens ; et il est d’autant plus choquant de constater qu’ils continuent, même en 2013, de nier leur existence, à part les communautés isolées dans des ghettos sporadiques.
Dans le passé, il y avait d’abord le déni qui conduisait au crime ; un crime qui n’était pas totalement réussi mais dont les auteurs et les responsables n’ont jamais été introduits devant la justice. Et c’est probablement pour cette raison que le déni et la négation continuent à ce jour. Mais cette fois-ci, ce n’est plus l’existence de centaines de milliers de Palestiniens qui est en jeu, mais celle d’environ six millions qui vivent à l’intérieur de la Palestine historique, et cinq autres millions et demi vivant en dehors de la Palestine.
On serait porté à croire que seul un aliéné peut ignorer des millions et des millions de personnes, dont une majorité vit sous son régime militaire ou d’apartheid, pendant qu’il interdit activement et impitoyablement aux autres de retourner dans leur patrie. Ainsi, lorsque cet aliéné reçoit les meilleures armes de la part des Etats-Unis, les Prix Nobel de la Paix de la part d’Oslo et un traitement préférentiel de la part le l’Union Européenne, l’on se demande s’il est bien sage de prendre pour argent comptant les adjectifs « fous » et « lunatiques » que les Occidentaux emploient pour qualifier les leaders Iranien et Nord-Coréen !
De nos jours, la folie est semble-t-il associée à la possession des armes nucléaires par ceux qui n’appartiennent pas à la sphère des Occidentaux. D’accord. Et même à ce sujet, l’aliéné local au Moyen-Orient réussira le test. Qui sait, peut-être qu’en 2014, on pourrait résoudre non pas la dissonance cognitive israélienne mais plutôt Occidentale : comment concilier une position universelle des droits de l’homme et droits civils avec la position du favori que l’Occident réserve à Israël en général, et à Shimon Peres en particulier ?


Note :

* Dissonance cognitive : forme de maladie mentale conduisant le sujet atteint à l’auto-suggestion, à des comportements pathologiques pour tenter de nier une réalité trop dérangeante.

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Auteur de plusieurs ouvrages, Ilan Pappe  est historien israélien et directeur de l’European Centre for Palestine Studies à l’Université d’Exeter


Du même auteur :

- Boycott académique israélien : l’affaire Tantura - 17 février 2012
- 2012 : Faire face aux intimidations, agir pour la justice en Palestine - 1er janvier 2012
- Enterrement de la solution des deux Etats aux Nations unies - 17 septembre 2011
- Goldstone retourne sa veste - 6 avril 2011
- La révolution égyptienne et Israël - 16 février 2011
- Soutenir le droit au retour des réfugiés, c’est dire NON au racisme israélien - 12 janvier 2011
- Tambours de guerre en Israël - 30 décembre 2010
- Ce qui guide la politique d’Israël - 6 juin 2010
- L’enfermement mortel de la psyché israélienne - 12 juin 2010
- « Nakbah 2010 »
- Un grand merci à vous

20 avril 2013 - The Electronic Intifada – Vous pouvez consulter cet article à :
Traduction : Info-Palestine.eu - CZ & Niha




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30 avril 2013 2 30 /04 /avril /2013 00:45
Religious fundamentalists could hold the key to Middle East peace

Israel's ultra-orthodox parties – so long deemed part of the hawkish right – might just unlock the two-state solution

Jonathan Freedland
The Guardian
, Friday 26 April 2013 19.10 BST


Everybody knows that religious fundamentalists are part of the Middle East's problem. Everybody knows that Muslim and Jewish extremists make a hard situation harder, delaying the day Palestinians and Israelis find a way to live in peace. Everybody knows that the great Israeli writer Amos Oz is right when he says that so long as the conflict is "a battle over real estate" it can be solved, but once it becomes a holy war only catastrophe beckons.
But what if that conventional wisdom is wrong – or rather, what if it lumps together all religious hardliners too crudely, mistakenly including one group that might not be part of the problem at all, that might in fact be the key to the solution?
The question arises because of one unexpected side-effect of Israel's most recent elections and the new coalition that followed. For the first time in years the ultra-orthodox Jewish parties find themselves in opposition, sitting alongside Labour, the civil rights activists of Meretz and the 11 members of the mainly Arab parties, representing Israel's Palestinian citizens. So long inside successive ruling coalitions, the ultra-orthodox, or haredi, parties are, for now at least, outsiders. That simple fact suggests an intriguing possibility.
First, though, a word or two of definition. There are two parties involved: one, United Torah Judaism, that aims to speak for Ashkenazi religious Jews and whose leaders still wear the distinctive garb of eastern European orthodoxy; and the other, Shas, that seeks to represent those Jews with a Middle Eastern or north African background. Different though they are from each other, the relevant gap is between them and the so-called "national religious camp", whose political arm, Naftali Bennett's Jewish Home party, surged at the last elections straight into government. Bennett is the champion of, among others, the religiously motivated Jewish settlers on the West Bank, those whose faith is inseparable from a muscular brand of nationalism.
For years, these two camps – ultra-orthodox and national religious – co-existed happily, their leaders often sitting side by side in coalition. The distinction between them became ever harder to discern, the haredi parties acquiescing without complaint in the steady rightward drift of the last government.
But that long-established alliance is now over. While the national religious camp enjoys the best seats around the cabinet table, its former partners are outside, experiencing the unfamiliar chill of opposition. What's more, the two groups are now at each other's throats.
For the glue that binds together Binyamin Netanyahu's new coalition is a willingness to confront the ultra-orthodox, insisting that they have been feather-bedded for too long, taking too much from the state and giving too little in return. That's the signature message of Yair Lapid, the TV talkshow host who emerged as the election's big winner and coalition kingmaker.
The price of his support was Netanyahu backing Lapid's campaign promise "to share the burden" – code for demanding that the haredim, like everyone else, send their children to join the army or do some form of national service at 18, ending an exemption enjoyed by religious students since the founding of the state. No less threatening to the haredi way of life, Lapid is bent on slashing the fat state subsidies that have long funded ultra-orthodox schools and academies, as well as the haredim's traditionally large families. Now in place as finance minister, Lapid is already wielding his knife.
These twin assaults are devastating for the haredim, whose fury is directed at Lapid but even more hotly at Bennett – who they see as a traitor to his fellow religious Jews for participating in a coalition that imperils their way of life. Suddenly the ideological fissure that always existed between the haredi brand of orthodoxy and the nationalist variety has been pulled wide open, left gaping for all to see. And it's not pretty. Stung by the rejection of their former allies, the haredim have hit the national religious camp where it hurts – threatening to back a settlement freeze, even to boycott settlement produce.
This is the opening that all those who yearn for an end to occupation should be watching closely. It may not look like it, but this is more than a family feud among those who wear different varieties of skullcap. The hard arithmetic of Israeli politics is that the strictly religious parties regularly command close to 20 of the Knesset's 120 seats. That makes them a crucial, even decisive bloc in the formation of a coalition. If the votes of the centre-left and right blocs are deadlocked, as they often are, then it can fall to the haredim to decide who governs – those forces ready to do what needs to be done to implement a two-state solution, or those who refuse.
It's not foolish to think that the haredim could one day choose left over right. Theologically, it makes sense. Ultra-orthodox Jews were historically ambivalent, if not outright hostile, towards Zionism itself, many regarding it as a blasphemous pre-emption of God's will for Jews to organise their own return to Zion when "the ingathering of the exiles" was the sole mandate of the Almighty. Given that attitude to Israel proper, they have no great attachment to the settlement project. Plenty of rabbinic sages have indeed ruled that, if a genuine peace were on offer, Israelis would have a religious duty to give up territory – because even the holiest land is not holier than the sanctity of life. Besides, strict Judaism includes the injunction lo lehitgarot ba-umota, a prohibition against "taunting the non-Jewish nations", pursuing a course that antagonises the world – which the post-1967 occupation so clearly does.
The pragmatic truth is that if a dove-ish Israeli government, even one committed to ending the occupation, were to give the haredim what they want – military exemption and serious funding – the ultra-religious parties would be likely to give it their blessing. That may be hard for the Israeli left to swallow. "Liberal Israel has to make its choice," says Daniel Levy, who runs the Middle East programme for the European Council on Foreign Relations. "What's more important: having the haredim serve in the army or a two-state solution?"
But this is not a matter for the left in Israel alone. There's a role here for the rest of the world. When Bill Clinton was overseeing the ultimately successful peace process for Northern Ireland, he went through a spell of seeing everyone, even the tiniest loyalist splinter group would get a face-to-face meeting in the Oval Office. He knew that every vote would count. Barack Obama and John Kerry – and William Hague for that matter – should take note. Don't just meet the leaders of today's Israeli government, meet the men and women who could form the next one – including the religious fundamentalists who might just hold the key to peace.
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29 avril 2013 1 29 /04 /avril /2013 00:45
They may be fighting for Syria, not Assad. They may also be winning: Robert Fisk reports from inside Syria

Death stalks the Syrian regime just as it does  the rebels. But on the front line of the war, the regime’s army is in no mood to surrender – and claims it doesn’t need chemical weapons

Friday 26 April 2013

Clouds hang oppressively low over the Syrian army’s front-line mountain-top in the far north of Syria.
Rain has only just replaced snow, turning this heavily protected fortress into a swamp of mud and stagnant ponds where soldiers man their lookout posts with the wind in their faces, their elderly T-55 tanks – the old Warsaw Pact battlehorses of the 1950s – dripping under the showers, their tracks in the mud, used now only as artillery pieces. They are “rubbish tanks” – debeba khurda – I say to Colonel Mohamed, commander of the Syrian army’s Special Forces unit across this bleak landscape, and he grins at me. “We use them for static defence,” he says frankly. ‘They do not move.’”
Before the war – or “the crisis” as President Bashar al-Assad’s soldiers are constrained to call it – Jebel al-Kawaniah was a television transmission station. But when the anti-government rebels captured it, they blew up the towers, cut down the forest of fir trees around it to create a free-fire zone and built ramparts of earth to protect them from government gunfire. The Syrian army fought their way back up the hillsides last October, through the village of Qastal Maaf – which now lies pancaked and broken on the old road to the Turkish border at Kassab – and stormed on to the plateau which is now their front line.
On their maps, the Syrian army codenamed “Kawaniah Mountain” according to their own military co-ordinates. It became “Point 45” – Point 40 lies east through the mountain gloom – and they spread their troops in tents under the trees of two neighbouring hills. I climb on to one of the T-55s and can see them through the downpour. There are dull explosions across the valley and the occasional “pop” of small arms fire and, rather disconcertingly, Col Mohamed points out that the nearest forest is still in the hands of his enemies, scarcely 800 metres away. The soldier sitting in the tank turret with a heavy machine-gun doesn’t take his eyes off the trees.
It is always an eerie experience to sit among Bashar al-Assad’s soldiers. These are the “bad guys” of the regime, according to the rest of the world – although in truth the country’s secret police deserve that title – and I’m well aware that these men have been told that a Western journalist is coming to their dug-outs and basement headquarters. They ask me to use only their first names for fear that their families may be killed; they allow me to take any photographs I wish, but not to picture their faces – a rule that the rebels sometimes ask of journalists for the same reason – but every soldier and officer to whom I spoke, including a Brigadier General, gave their full names and IDs to me.
Such access to the Syrian army was almost unimaginable just a few months ago and there are good reasons why. The army believe they are at last winning back ground from the Free Syrian Army and the al-Nusra Islamist fighters and the various al-Qa’ida satellites that now rule much of the Syrian countryside. From Point 45 they are scarcely a mile and a half from the Turkish frontier and intend to take the ground in between. Outside Damascus they have battled their way bloodily into two rebel-held suburbs. While I was prowling through the mountaintop positions, the rebels were in danger of losing the town of Qusayr outside Homs amid opposition accusations of the widespread killing of civilians. The main road from Damascus to Latakia on the Mediterranean coast has been reopened by the army. And the line troops I met at Point 45 were a different breed of men from those soldiers who became corrupted after 29 years of semi-occupation in Lebanon, who fell back to Syria without a war to fight in 2005, the discipline of the soldiers around Damascus a joke rather than a threat to anyone. Bashar’s Special Forces now appear confident, ruthless, politically motivated, a danger to their enemies, their uniforms smart, their weapons clean. Syrians have long grown used to the claims by Israel – inevitably followed by the Washington echo machine – that chemical weapons have been used by Bashar’s forces; as an intelligence officer remarked caustically in Damascus: “Why should we use chemical weapons when our Mig aircraft and their bombs cause infinitely more destruction?” The soldiers up at Point 45 admitted the defections to the Free Syrian Army, the huge losses of their own men – inevitably referred to as “martyrs” – and made no secret of their own body counts for battles lost and won.
Their last “martyr” at Point 45 was shot by a rebel sniper two weeks ago, 22 year-old Special Forces Private Kamal Aboud from Homs. He at least died as a soldier. Colonel Mohamed spoke ruefully of the troopers on family leave who, he said, were executed with knives when they entered enemy territory. I remind myself that the UN is bringing war crimes charges against this army and I remind Colonel Mohamed – who has four bullet wounds in his arms to show that he leads his soldiers from the front, not from a bunker – that his soldiers were surely meant to be liberating the Golan Heights from Israel. Israel is to the south, I say, and here he is fighting his way north towards Turkey. Why?
“I know, but we are fighting Israel. I joined the army to fight Israel. And now I am fighting Israel’s tools. And the tools of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, so in this way we are fighting for Golan. This is a conspiracy and the West is helping the foreign terrorists who arrived in Syria, the same terrorists you are trying to kill in Mali.” I have heard this before, of course. The “moamarer”, the conspiracy, sits beside me at all interviews in Syria. But the colonel admits that the two Syrian T-55s which fire shells at Point 45 every morning – the very same vintage war-carts as his own tanks – are sets of twins, that his enemies have taken their artillery from the government army and that his opponents include men from Bashar al-Assad’s original army.
On the road to Qastel Maaf, a general tells me that on the highway to the Turkish border, the army have just killed 10 Saudis, two Egyptians and a Tunisian – I am shown no papers to prove this – but the soldiers at Point 45 produce for me three handset radios they have captured from their enemies. One is marked “HXT Commercial Terminal”, the other two are made by Hongda and the instructions are in Turkish. I ask them if they listen to the rebel communications. “Yes, but we don’t understand them,” a major says. “They are speaking in Turkish and we don’t understand Turkish.” So are they Turks or Turkmen Syrians from the villages to the east? The soldiers shrug. They say they have also heard Arabic voices speaking with Libyan and Yemeni accents. And given that the great and the good of Nato are now obsessed with “foreign jihadis” in Syria, I suspect these Syrian soldiers may well be telling the truth.
The laneways of this beautiful northern countryside conceal the viciousness of the fighting. Clusters of red and white roses smother the walls of abandoned homes. A few men tend the mass of orange orchards that glow around us, a woman combs her long hair on a roof. The lake of Balloran glistens in the spring sunshine between mountains still topped with a powder of snow. It reminds me, chillingly, of Bosnia. For several miles the villages are still occupied, a Christian Greek Orthodox township of 10 families with a church dedicated to the appearance of the Virgin to a woman called Salma; a Muslim Alawite village, then a Muslim Sunni village close to the front lines but still co-existing; a ghost of the old secular, non-sectarian Syria which both sides promise – with ever decreasing credibility – will return once the war is over.
Then I am in a smashed village called Beit Fares where hundreds of Syrian soldiers can be seen patrolling the surrounding forests, and another general fishes into his pocket and produces an army mobile phone video of dead fighters. “All are foreign,” he says. I watch closely as the camera lingers over bearded faces, some contorted in fear, others in the dreamless sleep of death. They have been heaped together. And, most sinister of all, I observe a military boot which descends twice on the heads of the dead men. On the wall of the dugout, someone has written: “We are soldiers of Assad – to hell with you dogs of the armed groups of Jabel al-Aswad and Beit Shrouk.”
These are the names of a string of tiny villages still in rebel hands – you can see the roofs of their houses from Point 45 – and Col Mohamed, a 45-year-old veteran of the Lebanese war between 1993 and 1995, lists the others: Khadra, Jebel Saouda, Zahiyeh, al-Kabir, Rabia… Their fate awaits them. When I ask the soldiers how many prisoners they took in their battles, they say “None” with a loud voice. What, I ask, even when they claim to have killed 700 “terrorists” in one engagement? “None,” they reply again.
Opposite a bullet-riddled school building is a pulverised house. “A local terrorist leader died there with all his men,” the colonel states. “They did not surrender.”
I doubt if they had the chance. But at Beit Fares, some rebels did escape earlier this year, along – so says General Wasif from Latakia – with their own local leader, a Syrian businessman. We clump into the man’s ruined villa on the hills of this abandoned Turkmen village – the inhabitants are now in Turkish refugee camps, the general tells me – and it seems that the businessman was wealthy. The villa is surrounded by irrigated orchards of lemon and pistachio and fig trees. There is a basketball court, an empty swimming pool, children’s swings, a broken marble fountain – in which there are still Turkish-labelled tins of stuffed vine leaves – and marble-walled living rooms and kitchens and a delicate plaque in Arabic above the front door saying: “God Bless This House.” It seems He did not.
I pluck some figs from the absentee businessman’s orchard. The soldiers do the same. But they taste sharp and too sour and the soldiers spit them out, preferring the oranges that hang by the roadside. General Fawaz is talking to a colleague and lifts up an exploded rocket for inspection. It is locally manufactured, the welding unprofessional – but identical to all the Qassam missiles which the Palestinian Hamas movement fires into Israel from the Gaza Strip. “Someone from Palestine told the terrorists how to make this,” General Fawaz says. Colonel Mohamed remarks quietly that when they stormed into the village, they found cars and trucks with Turkish military plates – but no Turkish soldiers.
There is an odd relationship with Turkey up here. Recep Tayyip Erdogan may condemn Assad but the nearest Turkish frontier station a mile and a half away stays open, the only border post still linking Turkey and government-controlled Syrian territory. One of the officers refers to an old story about the Umayyad Caliph Muawiya who said that he kept a thin piece of his own hair “to connect me to my enemies”. “The Turks have left this one frontier open with us,” the officer says, “so as not to cut the hair of Muawiya.” He is not smiling and I understand what he is saying. The Turks still want to maintain a physical connection with the Assad regime. Erdogan cannot be certain that Bashar al-Assad will lose this war.
Many of the soldiers show their wounds; more valuable to them, I suspect, than medals or badges of rank. Besides, the officers have already removed their gold insignia on the front lines – unlike Admiral Nelson, they do not wish to be picked off by the rebels’ early morning snipers. Dawn seems to be the killing time. On a roadway, a second lieutenant shows me his own wounds. There is a bullet’s entry below his left ear. On the other side of his head, a cruel purple scar runs upwards towards his right ear. He was shot right through the neck and survived. He was lucky.
So were the Special Forces soldiers who patrolled towards a hidden land-mine, an IED in Western parlance. A young Syrian explosives ordnance officer in Qastal Maaf shows me the two iron-cased shells that were buried under the road. One of them is almost too heavy for me to lift. The fuse is labeled in Turkish. An antenna connected to the explosives was strung from the top of an electricity pole for a line-of-sight rebel bomber to detonate. A technical mine-detector – “all our equipment is Russian,” the soldiers boasted – alerted the patrol to the explosives before the soldiers walked over them.
But death hovers over the Syrian army, just as it haunts their enemies. The airport at Latakia is now a place of permanent lamentation. No sooner do I arrive than I find families crying and tearing their faces in front of the terminal, waiting for the bodies of their soldier sons and brothers and husbands, Christians for the most part but Muslims too, for the Mediterranean coast is the heartland of Christians and Shia Alawites and a minority of Sunni Muslims. One Christian woman is restrained by an old man as she tries to lie down on the road, tears streaming down her face. A truck by the departure hall is piled with wreaths.
A general in charge of the army’s bereaved families tells me that the airport is too small for this mass mourning. “The helicopters bring our dead here from all over northern Syria,” he says. “We have to look after all these families and find them housing, but sometimes I go to homes to tell them of the death of a son and find that they have already lost three other sons as martyrs. It is too much.” Forget Private Ryan. I see beside the control tower a wounded soldier hobbling along on one foot, a bandage partly covering his face, his arm around a comrade as he limps towards the terminal.
  Military statistics I was shown suggest that 1,900 soldiers from Latakia  have been killed in this awful war, another 1,500 from Tartus. But you must add up the statistics of the Alawite and Christian mixed villages in the hills above Latakia to understand the individual cost. In Hayalin, for example, the village of 2,000 souls has lost 22 soldiers with another 16 listed as missing. In real terms that’s 38 dead. Many were killed in Jisr al-Shughur back in June of 2011 when the Syrian army lost 89 dead in a rebel ambush. A villager called Fouad explains that there was one survivor who came from a neighbouring village. “I telephoned him to ask what happened to the other men,” he said. “He said: ‘I don’t know because they cut out my eyes.’ He said that someone led him away and he thought he would be executed but found himself in an ambulance and was taken to hospital in Latakia.” One of the Jisr al-Shughur dead was returned to Hayalin, but relatives found that his coffin contained only his legs. “The latest martyr from Hayalin was killed only two days ago,” Fouad told me. “He was a soldier called Ali Hassan. He had just got married. They couldn’t even return his body.”
  The 24 Syrian helicopter gunships that throb on the apron beyond the terminal project the power of the government’s hardware. But soldiers tell their own stories of fear and intimidation. That rebel forces threaten the families of government soldiers is a long-established fact. But one private told me bleakly of how his elder brother was ordered to persuade him to desert the army. “When I refused, they broke my brother’s legs,” he said. When I asked if others had shared this experience, an 18-year old private was brought to me. The officers offered to leave the room when I spoke to him.
He was an intelligent young man but his story was told simply and untutored. His was no set propaganda speech. “I come from Idlib Province and they came to my father and said they needed me there,” he said. “But my father refused and said, ‘If you want my son, go and bring him here – and if you do, you will not find me here to greet him.’ Then my father sent most of his family to Lebanon. My father and mother are still there and they are still being threatened.” I tell the officers later that I do not believe every Syrian defector left because of threats to his family, that some soldiers must have profoundly disagreed with the regime. They agree but insist that the army remains strong.
  Colonel Mohamed, who mixes military strategy with politics, says he regards the foreign “plot” against Syria as a repeat version of the Sykes-Picot Agreement of the First World War, when Britain and France secretly decided to divide up the Middle East – including Syria – between them. “Now they want to do the same,” he says. “Britain and France want to give weapons to the terrorists to divide us, but we want to have a united Syria in which all our people live together, democratically, caring not about their religion but living peacefully…” And then came the crunch. “…under the leadership of our champion Dr Bashar al-Assad.”
But it is not that simple. The word “democracy” and the name of Assad do not blend very well in much of Syria. And I rather think that the soldiers of what is officially called the Syrian Arab Army are fighting for Syria rather than Assad. But fighting they are and maybe, for now, they are winning an unwinnable war. At Beit Fares, I peak over the parapet once more and the mist is rising off the mountains. This could be Bosnia. The country is breathtaking, the grey-green hills rolling into blue velvet mountains. A little heaven. But the fruits along this front line are bitter indeed.


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