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23 octobre 2010 6 23 /10 /octobre /2010 01:05

Bil'in Organizer Sentenced to 18 months Adeeb Abu Rahmah,


a protest leader from Bil'in, was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment by the Military Court of Appeals, for his involvement in organizing demonstrations.


 The decision dramatically aggravates the one-year sentence originally imposed in the first instance.


Judge Lieutenant Colonel Benisho of the Military Court of Appeals accepted the Military prosecution's appeal in Adeeb Abu Rahmah's case today, which demanded to harshen the already heavy-handed one-year sentence imposed on him by the prior instance back in July.


The court sentenced Abu Rahmah 18 months of imprisonment with bail of 6,000 NIS and suspended sentence of 1 year.


An appeal filed by the defense both on the severity of the punishment and on the conviction itself was denied.


Adeeb Abu Rahmah's sentence is the first to be handed by the Military Court of Appeals in a series of recent trials against high-profile Palestinian anti-Wall grassroots organizers.


The harsh and imbalanced decision is likely to affect other cases, most notably that of Abdallah Abu Rahmah - the Bil'in organizer declared human rights defender by the EU - who was too recently sentenced to a year in jail by the first instance of the military court. Adeeb Abu Rahmah's case relied heavily on the forced confessions of four minors arrested in nighttime raids by Israeli soldiers.


The four attested in court to having been coerced into incriminating Abu Rahmah and other organizers during the course of their police investigations.


They were also questioned unlawfully, denied consol and without their parents being presents and, in some cases, late at night.


The ruling in the appeal concludes 15 months of unfair legal procedures, held amidst a massive Israeli arrest campaign, which ended with an upheld conviction of incitement, activity against the public order and entering a closed military zone.


This precedent-setting decision is the first time in recorded history of the Israeli Military Court of Appeals in which a Palestinian is convicted with a charge of incitement.


Even the original one year sentence dramatically exceeds precedents set by the Israeli Supreme Court.


The Court of Appeals' even harsher sentence highlights the lack of equality before the law between Israelis and Palestinians, who are tried before two different legal systems.


For instance, in a case of a Jewish settler convicted of incitement to murder, the court only imposed an eight months suspended sentence.


Attorney Gaby Lasky (Defense): "Today the court of appeals has shown that it is serving as one more instance of political repression not as an actual court where justice is served.


The court admitted what we all knew – that the entire system is trying to make an example of Adeeb in order to silence the entire Popular Struggle movement against Israel 's occupation."


For more details: +972-546-327-736 For photo by Oren Ziv, Activestills, click here: http://tinypic.com/r/300896e/7


Background Having served his original one-year prison term in full, Adeeb Abu Rahmah should have been released immediately after hearing the sentence.


The military prosecution, which hoped for an even harsher sentence as part of its ongoing efforts to use legal persecution to suppress the Palestinian popular struggle, petitioned the Military Court of Appeals, asking that Abu Rahmah remains incarcerated despite having served his sentence.


In a clearly politically motivated decision, Judge Lieutenant Colonel Benisho of the Military Court of Appeals decided to remand Abu Rahmah until a decision in the appeal, saying that “This is an appeal filed to set the proper punishment in a unique case regarding which a general punishment level has not yet been set."


The judge chose to completely ignore the punishment level set forth by the supreme court in similar and even harsher cases. Benisho also ignored a supreme court precedent instructing the courts to only extend the remand of convicts past the time they were sentenced to in very extreme situations.


Les articles et autres textes publiés ne reflètent pas obligatoirement les opinions du Comité Justice et Paix en Palestine et au Proche-Orient (CJPP5), qui dénie toute responsabilité dans leurs contenus, lesquels n'engagent que leurs auteurs ou leurs traducteurs. Nous sommes attentifs à toute proposition d'ajouts ou de corrections.



 محكمة عوفر العسكرية تحكم على الناشط أديب أبو رحمة بالسجن لمدة 18 شهرا 21/10/2010 رام الله



 - حكمت محكمة عوفر العسكرية الإسرائيلية اليوم، على الناشط في قرية بلعين أديب أبو رحمة، بالسجن لمدة 18 شهرا فعليا، و12 شهر مع وقف التنفيذ لمدة أربعة أعوام مع غرامة مالية قدرها ستة ألآف شيكل، بتهمة التحريض واعاقة عمل الجيش، ومشاركنه بالمظاهرات السلمية ضد الجدار والاستيطان في بلعين. وكانت المحكمة العسكرية في عوفر قد حكمت على الناشط أديب أبورحمه بتارخ 30/8/2010 بالسجن لمدة 12 شهر فعلي ، 12 شهر مع وقف التنفيذ لمدة أربعة أعوام مع غرامة مالية قدرها ستة ألآف شيكل، الا ان النيابة استنأنفت قرار الحكم. ويذكر ان الناشط أديب أبورحمه كان قد اعتقل بتاريخ 10/7/2009 أثناء مشاركته في مسيرة بلعين الأسبوعية وجرت الجلسة وسط حضور من الدبلوماسيين والقناصل ونشطاء السلام الإسرائيليين والدوليين، الذين عبروا عن دعمهم لأبو رحمة ونضال بلعين السلمي ضد بناء الجدار. وتستنكر اللجنة الشعبية لمقاومة الجدار والاستيطان في بلعين قرار الحكم ، وتعتبره مجحف بحق الناشط أديب أبورحمه والمدافع عن ارضه التي سلبت من قبل الاحتلال وتعتبر نضاله شرعي وقانوني ضد جدار غير شرعي وغير قانوني، مناشدة المجتمع الدولي والمؤسسات الحقوقية الدولية للوقوف بجانب ابو رحمه والمطالبة بطلاق سراحه، وان هذه الاحكام لن تثني نشطاء المقاومة الشعبية من الاستمرار في المقاومة الشعبية السلمية ضد الجدار والاستيطان. لمزيد من المعلومات مراجعة: د. راتب أبو رحمة – المنسق الاعلامي للجنة الشعبية لمقاومة الجدار والاستيطان \ بلعين 0597117673 saborahmeh42@yahoo.com Bil'in


Les articles et autres textes publiés ne reflètent pas obligatoirement les opinions du Comité Justice et Paix en Palestine et au Proche-Orient (CJPP5), qui dénie toute responsabilité dans leurs contenus, lesquels n'engagent que leurs auteurs ou leurs traducteurs. Nous sommes attentifs à toute proposition d'ajouts ou de corrections. 



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