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11 octobre 2009 7 11 /10 /octobre /2009 05:31
  Haaretz israel news English

Last update - 02:55 11/10/2009    

ANALYSIS / Nobel prize is signal to Obama to avoid war in Iran  

By Aluf Benn, Haaretz Correspondent  

The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded at the city hall of the Norwegian capital, Oslo. Fifteen years ago, we diplomatic reporters from Israel were covering the awarding of the Peace Prize to Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat following the Oslo Accords and the establishment of the Palestinian Authority.

Then, after the ceremony, Udi Segal of Army Radio, approached Rabin and said, "Can I ask you just one question, Mr. Prime Minister?" "About what?" Rabin replied and........(..)..........


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