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9 juillet 2010 5 09 /07 /juillet /2010 00:55

   Thu, July 08, 2010 Tammuz 26, 5770
Published 00:54 08.07.10

Latest update 00:54 08.07.10

An excellent meeting

Two statesmen met in Washington on Tuesday who are looking smaller and smaller, who are taking smaller and smaller steps.

This story is by Gideon Levy:

Gideon Levy

It really was an excellent meeting: The chance that a binational state will be established has improved as a result; relations between Israel and the United States are indeed "marvelous." Israel can continue with the whims of its occupation. The president of the United States proved Tuesday that perhaps there has been change, but not as far as we are concerned.
If there remained any vestiges of hope in the Middle East from Barack Obama, they have dissipated; if some people still expected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to lead a courageous move, they now know they made a mistake (and misled others )......(......).......

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