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21 mai 2010 5 21 /05 /mai /2010 01:25

Thu, May 20, 2010 Sivan 7, 5770

  • Published 03:41 20.05.10
  • Latest update 03:41 20.05.10
Democracy according to Reichman

As Israel closes its gates to anyone who doesn't fall in line with our official positions, we are becoming more and more like North Korea.

In the end, we will only be left with Prof. Uriel Reichman. After we sent Prof. Noam Chomsky away, and there was no sharp rebuke by Israeli academics (who in their silence support a boycott of Bir Zeit University ), we will be left with a narrow and frightening intellectual world. It will be the kind of intellectual world shaped by the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya - an institution of army officers and the rich, headed by its president, Reichman.

A law professor, certainly enlightened in his own eyes, a former candidate to become education minister, Reichman says he doesn't support the human rights group B'Tselem. That's his right, of course; our right is to state that at the head of an important Israeli college stands a man who doesn't understand a thing about democracy.
After all, what does B'Tselem do? It gathers reliable testimonies on the sins of the Israel Defense Forces, very few of which, if any, have been proved wrong. Reichman doesn't support this? In the world according to Reichman, we are left only with statements by the IDF Spokesman's Office. We will believe that no white phosphorus was used in Gaza, that the "neighbor procedure" is something that tenants' committees do, and that if they call a family and give them five minutes to leave before their home is bombed, that's an action by the most ethical army in the world.........(...........).....



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