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13 février 2010 6 13 /02 /février /2010 00:07

As-Salhi: efforts continue to end division, sign Egyptian paper

GazaMa'anEfforts are ongoing towards the signing of the Egyptian reconciliation paper, Secretary-General of the Palestinian People's Party Bassam As-Salhi confirmed on Thursday, one week after a Fatah official visited Gaza.

As-Salhi told Ma’an that the meetings between Fatah and Hamas during the visit, in cooperation with the multi-faction National Action Committee, secured a serious drive to end party division and sign the Egyptian reconciliation proposal in Cairo.

The PPP leader, from the southern West Bank town of Dura, entered the Gaza Strip last week to attend the 28th anniversary of the party's founding, held in Beit Lahiya. He joined the National Action Committee in several meetings during his visit.

"We cannot say there were any direct results from the meeting, but the essence of the meetings was an accord over the importance of agreeing to sign the Egyptian proposal," As-Salhi said.

He acknowledged that Hamas hoped to make several amendments to the paper, but insisted they recognized the importance of the document as a unity tool.

"During the meetings, Hamas and Fatah discussed ways to conduct further meetings and agreed that interaction was essential," As-Salhi said.

As-Salhi said that despite the Hamas boycott of the Ramallah meeting on municipal elections held Thursday, he homed the Gaza government would ensure that local elections are held in the Strip, as a way to ensure as many links as possible between the Palestinian areas.

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