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24 juillet 2010 6 24 /07 /juillet /2010 00:55





PLO: No talks without progress
Published yesterday (updated) 22/07/2010 21:26
Ramallah – Ma’an – The PLO executive committee confirmed Thursday that direct talks with Israel will not commence until progress is made on borders and security.

The committee’s stance was affirmed following President Mahmoud Abbas’ debriefing on the outcomes of his latest meetings with US mediator George Mitchell.

US President Barack Obama and Israeli officials have called for proximity talks to progress to direct negotiations, however, the committee reiterated that the acceptance of 1967 borders and an end to settlement construction are preconditions for such talks to resume.

Further, the committee denounced Israel’s policies in occupied East Jerusalem, including the decision to expel Palestinian lawmakers, home demolitions and land confiscation, calling on the international community to intervene in Jerusalem and in Israel’s four-year siege of Gaza.


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