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21 février 2011 1 21 /02 /février /2011 00:20


American Veto and the Revolution we Wait for! Print E-mail
19.02.11 - 16:38


Fadi Abu Sada – PNN’s Editor in Chief – It looks like the American administration did not learn from what happened in Tunisia and its week position towards that Jasmine revolution.




It does not look like that the US attempts to learn from its mistakes in Tunisia by supporting the Egyptian revolution have worked either. It is also clear that their observation of what is happening in Lbyia, Bahrain and other Arab countries is not serious, and it will continue to make the same mistakes.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said two days ago that the UN Security Council resolutions are not the right way to move forward towards reaching the final two-state solution and ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Clinton made that decision suddenly! While we have been waiting 62 years and getting one resolution after the other, Clinton and her administration do not see that it is the right time for Palestinians, but they strongly support it everywhere else in this strange world!
The American administration seems unaware that the changes that are happening in the Arab nations on the hands of youth will not necessarily be following the current US policy or continue it. Even though those revolutions are demanding democracy and social justice, I am nearly sure that those human values will not be matched by American actions.


People in the US have always mocked Arab leaders because of their longstanding reigns. Some have ruled for 40 years and are still in office, some finished 30 years before they were forced to leave. What should we tell them after we have been waiting for 62 years? Now the US changes its policies towards us at time when they use veto once more on this critical issue in final status negotiations?


I do not know how they resist the fact that the Jewish lobby controls their policies. I also can’t understand how they say that the resolution of the Palestinian cause is vital for the US national security and use the veto against it. How they want us to have a country at the same time that they reward a longstanding occupier I can only explain with the “irony of destiny”.


We know that the US administration represented by President Obama is fairly young and we know that they want to see young leadership in the Arab world, but what they do not know is that their policies are driving them to the edge of the abyss. Those policies are also driving us to call for a youth revolt inside the US to change their unbearable polices towards our just cause in Palestinian in particular and all over the Arab and Islamic world in general!


To Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, your policy has failed in every country you tried to change as you wished, from Afghanistan to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Korea, Iran and many others. How can you keep doing this without a total review to your polices? Maybe you can regain some of the credibility you lost by merely saying, but not doing. I do not think you have much time, your losses are great already. I hope you understand.





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