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26 février 2011 6 26 /02 /février /2011 00:30



Israeli “Terror Victims Organisation” Working to Stop Bil’in Demonstrations

Thursday, 24 February 2011 15:46 Alternative Information Center (AIC)
“Almagor: Organisation of Terror Victims”, is working to halt the weekly anti-Wall and settlement demonstrations in the West Bank village of Bil’in.


In an interview with the right-wing Israeli news agency Arutz 7, Almagor Director Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) Meir Indor noted that the organization is acting to obtain legal orders, based on the “tens of thousands of shekels” damage caused to the Separation Wall and through use of military time every week. Indor further noted that Almagor was establishing a “follow-up committee” of bereaved parents and military officers to check the “money trail” of the Bil’in demonstrations.

Adam Atzmon of Anarchists against Walls, told the AIC in response that “we are used to the Israeli authorities and fascist groups trying to disrupt and delegitimise the popular protests of the Palestinians against occupation and colonization. No court orders will stop us, only the fall of the apartheid wall will.”




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