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25 mai 2010 2 25 /05 /mai /2010 01:15


Shame on You, Democracy, Vanunu Yells as He Returns to Prison
Date : 23/5/2010   Time : 17:55

TEL AVIV, May 23, 2010 (WAFA)- Israeli Nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu, released in 2004 after 18 years in prison for leaking Israeli nuclear secrets, began serving an additional 3-month sentence on Sunday for refusing to carry out court-mandated community service.

'I survived 18 years - I could survive another six,' Vanunu called out outside the Jerusalem District Court. 'Are you trying to discipline me? You cannot take my freedom of expression away'

'Freedom is freedom. You won't get from me in three months what you didn't get in 18 years,' he added.

He warned that the Shin Bet security service 'controls the prisons' and that they will try to torture him psychologically, the same way they did the last time he was incarcerated.

'Shame on you Israel,' he continued. 'The stupid Shin Bet and Mossad spies are putting me back in prison after 24 years of speaking nothing but the truth. Shame on you democracy, the Knesset, synagogues and the world media. Shame on you all the Arabs that are allowing me to be put back in prison.

'Everyone knows that Israel has nuclear weapons,' he went on to say, 'but no one is talking about it… The world doesn't want nuclear weapons – not in Israel, not in the Middle East and not anywhere in the world.'

A panel of High Court Judges returned the 56-year-old Moroccan-born Israeli to jail after he failed to fulfill a community service order, punishment for breaching his parole terms by contacting foreigners without authorization.

The former nuclear technician had asked to be assigned community duties in Arab-majority East Jerusalem after claiming he risked attack by angry Israelis, many of whom see him as a traitor, in the city's Jewish-populated west.



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