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8 septembre 2009 2 08 /09 /septembre /2009 07:06

Haaretz israel news English 
Last update - 02:20 08/09/2009  
Amira Hass / How does Israel decide who gets a visa to Ramallah? 
By Amira Hass  

Sven Ouzman, a 39-year-old archaeologist from South Africa, violated the terms of his "Palestinian Authority only" visa six times, when unintentionally and for lack of choice, he drove on roads under full Israeli control, between Palestinian Authority enclaves in the West Bank.

Ouzman, who was attending a conference of the World Archaeological Congress in Ramallah last month, was late for a lecture he was scheduled to deliver on the evening of August 9. He had arrived at the Allenby Bridge crossing on Saturday morning, August 8, after having passed through passport control on the Jordanian side and entering the Israeli-controlled area, but the Israel Airport Authority employees demanded he come back the next day. When he asked them why, "they were very rude and would not reply," Ouzman said this week by phone from South Africa.

Acquaintences later told him that such arbitrariness is standard on the Israeli side. Ouzman returned to Amman for the night. In the morning, he spent about two hours on the Jordanian side and about another nine hours on the Israeli side. "Then began a long process, go there, come here, lots of questions I found offensive, and a lot of waiting, especially waiting," Ouzman said.

Ouzman, is on the faculty of the ethnography and archaeology department of Pretoria University, and also teaches archaeology in prisons. He said that at the Allenby Bridge crossing he recalled an anthropological lesson he learned from.......................


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