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24 mars 2017 5 24 /03 /mars /2017 09:46
Polémique en Israël sur la loi Facebook
Le gouvernement israélien souhaite que Facebook censure tous les propos contenant les mots « intifada », « attaque au couteau », « nazis » et « chahid » (martyr, en arabe).
Afin d'appuyer cette demande, le gouvernement a rédigé un projet de loi permettant à la justice israélienne de contraindre des géants du Web tels que Facebook, Google ou YouTube à supprimer des contenus sujets à encourager toute forme de violence.
Approuvée en première lecture le 3 janvier dernier à la Knesset, la « loi Facebook » est actuellement examinée par le Parlement en deuxième lecture.

« Tout comme les vidéos de l'État islamique (EI) sont traquées et supprimées du réseau, nous voulons qu'ils entreprennent les mêmes actions contre les contenus palestiniens qui incitent au terrorisme », a expliqué la ministre de la Justice Ayelet Shaked, lors d'une conférence de presse sur le thème du contre-terrorisme à Tel-Aviv.

Sont visés les contenus antisionistes, les dessins incitant à la violence et les statuts haineux à l'encontre des soldats israéliens.

Le texte ne précise pas clairement si les contenus racistes anti-arabes seront également visés par la mesure.

Une étude menée par l'association « Évolution des réseaux sociaux » (Hamleh) indique pourtant que ces contenus sont très présents sur la Toile. Ils ont été multipliés par deux en 2016. L'étude démontre que cette même année, 60 000 ressortissants de l'État hébreu ont partagé des contenus racistes sur leur compte Facebook. Ainsi, des propos racistes sont diffusés sur la Toile toutes les 46 secondes par les Israéliens.

Les premières versions de la loi ont déjà créé la polémique.

Le texte prévoit notamment que les géants du Web puissent fournir des informations à l'État israélien. Une mesure très critiquée par les défenseurs des droits à la liberté d'expression.

Des organisations défendant les droits de l'homme estiment que ce texte ne respecte pas les principes mêmes de la liberté d'expression.

D'anodines publications critiquant l'État hébreu pourraient donc faire l'objet de suppression, voire de sanction auprès des auteurs.
Israël n'est pas le seul pays à faire ce genre de demande.

L'Allemagne avait, en 2015, exigé de Facebook la suppression de tous les contenus racistes sous 24 heures après leur publication.

Mais d'après l'Institut pour la démocratie en Israël, ce projet de loi est « sans précédent » en comparaison avec les diverses législations mises en place dans le monde.

L'Institut appréhende que ce texte « facilite un niveau de censure disproportionné ».

De leur côté, les Palestiniens craignent que cette mesure ne mène à une censure de l'information.

Israël est soupçonné d'être à l'origine de la fermeture de deux comptes Facebook en septembre dernier.

En réaction au projet de loi, les géants du Web ont accepté de supprimer certains contenus, mais Facebook a de son côté exigé de se baser sur sa propre charte de la liberté d'expression.



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24 mars 2017 5 24 /03 /mars /2017 09:35
Israeli forces raid Tulkarem print shops, confiscate equipment
March 23, 2017 2:13 P.M. (Updated: March 23, 2017 6:09 P.M.)
TULKAREM (Ma’an) -- Israeli forces raided and sacked two Palestinian print shops in the northern occupied West Bank city of Tulkarem at dawn on Thursday and confiscated equipment.

Ali Abu Saleh, the owner of the two print shops, told Ma’an that large numbers of Israeli troops raided his home in the Shweika neighborhood and demanded that he let them access his stores.

Abu Saleh said that Israeli soldiers searched his shop in the Shweika area, where they confiscated equipment, printed materials, and destroyed security camera footage.

Israeli forces also raided Abu Saleh’s other print shop in central Tulkarem, breaking the front door and also confiscating equipment and materials.



An Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an that Israeli forces had raided the shops because they printed “inciting material.”


However, Abu Saleh rejected the army’s claims, calling them baseless, adding that 20 people were out of work following the raids.


Israeli forces had also raided another Tulkarem print shop earlier this month.


Israeli forces have previously targeted printing shops where posters commemorating Palestinians killed by Israeli forces were manufactured.


Since the beginning of the year, one Palestinian from Tulkarem was killed and another from the city succumbed to fatal injuries, after being shot by Israeli forces for allegedly attempting to commit attacks.


In the past year, Israel has targeted Palestinian media institutions and civilians, including activists and journalists, alleging that a wave of unrest that swept the occupied Palestinian territory in October 2015 was encouraged largely by "incitement."
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24 mars 2017 5 24 /03 /mars /2017 09:34
Israeli forces raid Tulkarem print shops, confiscate equipment
March 23, 2017 2:13 P.M. (Updated: March 23, 2017 6:09 P.M.)
TULKAREM (Ma’an) -- Israeli forces raided and sacked two Palestinian print shops in the northern occupied West Bank city of Tulkarem at dawn on Thursday and confiscated equipment.

Ali Abu Saleh, the owner of the two print shops, told Ma’an that large numbers of Israeli troops raided his home in the Shweika neighborhood and demanded that he let them access his stores.

Abu Saleh said that Israeli soldiers searched his shop in the Shweika area, where they confiscated equipment, printed materials, and destroyed security camera footage.

Israeli forces also raided Abu Saleh’s other print shop in central Tulkarem, breaking the front door and also confiscating equipment and materials.



An Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an that Israeli forces had raided the shops because they printed “inciting material.”

However, Abu Saleh rejected the army’s claims, calling them baseless, adding that 20 people were out of work following the raids.

Israeli forces had also raided another Tulkarem print shop earlier this month.

Israeli forces have previously targeted printing shops where posters commemorating Palestinians killed by Israeli forces were manufactured.

Since the beginning of the year, one Palestinian from Tulkarem was killed and another from the city succumbed to fatal injuries, after being shot by Israeli forces for allegedly attempting to commit attacks.

In the past year, Israel has targeted Palestinian media institutions and civilians, including activists and journalists, alleging that a wave of unrest that swept the occupied Palestinian territory in October 2015 was encouraged largely by "incitement."

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23 mars 2017 4 23 /03 /mars /2017 08:05
Palestinian NGOs denounce UN chief for removing report on Israeli apartheid
March 21, 2017 4:39 P.M. (Updated: March 21, 2017 5:37 P.M.)
GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Palestinians demonstrated outside the United Nations Special Coordinator Office (UNSCO) in Gaza City on Tuesday, in protest of the UN’s decision to withdraw a report prepared by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), which accused Israel of apartheid policies.


Protesters expressed support for ESCWA chief Rima Khalaf, who resigned from her post on Friday, after she said she was pressured by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to remove the report.


A joint statement issued Tuesday by Palestinian Human Rights Organizations (PHROC) addressed to Guterres said the groups were “dismayed” by his decision to withdraw the report, and vowed to “adopt the analysis and conclusions contained therein in an effort to achieve justice for the Palestinian people.”


“It is our belief that the withdrawal of this report will contribute to the commission of further violations by Israel, the occupying power, especially in light of a continued politicization of the application of international law.”


PHROC said the report “professionally” addressed the reality that Palestinians have been subjected to “under the Israeli occupation and its colonial policies that have been based on racial discrimination” since the state of Israel was established in 1948.


The statement also lauded the report for "objectively” conveying the various legal procedures and “separate and unequal practices towards the Palestinian people, who Israel has sought to divide into different groups” -- namely those with Israeli citizenship, residency status in occupied East Jerusalem, those living within the occupied West Bank or the besieged Gaza Strip, or the diaspora living abroad.


“The withdrawal of the report from the ESCWA website as a result of political pressure is at odds with the principles upon which the United Nations was founded” and with "international humanitarian law and international human rights law upon which the report is based,” the statement said.


PHROC concluded by calling upon the International Criminal Court to take the report into consideration during its preliminary examination into the situation in the occupied Palestinian territory.


Palestinian People's Party politburo member Walid al-Awad told Ma’an at the sit-in that the letter was sent to pressure Guterres to undertake "tangible" procedures against the Israeli occupation “for its racist practices plainly mentioned in the report."


Al-Awad applauded Khalaf for "her courageous humanitarian position in preferring to resign rather than withdraw the report."


The official reason for the report’s removal given by Guterres’ spokesperson Stephane Dujarric was not over the content of the report itself, but rather with the fact that it had allegedly been published without consulting with the UN secretariat.


However, PHROC was not the first to accuse the UN of caving to pressure by Israel and UN member states to bury the report for being too critical of Israeli violations against Palestinians.


The report, which has been published in full elsewhere after being removed from ESCWA’s website on Friday, notably concluded that Israel was guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt” of imposing apartheid policies against Palestinians, and urged the international community to abide by its “legal obligation” to punish such discriminatory measures.


“Aware of the seriousness of this allegation, the authors of the report conclude that available evidence establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that Israel is guilty of policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid as legally defined in instruments of international law,” an executive summary of the report read.


Palestinians, activists, and a number of intellectuals have increasingly compared Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territory with an apartheid system over the years, and sought to use similar tactics as those that took down the apartheid regime in South Africa.


The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement founded in 2005 as a peaceful movement to restore Palestinian rights in accordance with international law has been largely influenced by the South African anti-apartheid movement in the 1980s.
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23 mars 2017 4 23 /03 /mars /2017 08:02
Abbas : La plus haute distinction palestinienne pour Rima Khalaf


Khalaf a démissionné de son poste de Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique et sociale des Nations Unies pour l'Asie occidentale après que le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, l'ait contrainte à retirer un rapport accusant Israël d'apartheid.

Abbas : La plus haute distinction palestinienne pour Rima Khalaf

AA/ Ramallah

Le président palestinien, Mahmoud Abbas a déclaré que la plus haute distinction palestinienne sera décernée à l'ancienne responsable des Nations Unies, Rima Khalaf, pour sa courageuse position en faveur des Palestiniens, ont rapporté des médias locaux, samedi.

Abbas a informé Khalaf de sa décision lors d’un entretien téléphonique, et lui a adressé ses félicitations pour sa défense de l'humanité, et des vraies valeurs du droit international, a rapporté l'agence de presse officielle, "Wafa".

Khalaf a démissionné vendredi de son poste de Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique et sociale des Nations Unies pour l'Asie occidentale (CESAO) après que le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, Antonio Guterres, l'ait contrainte à retirer un rapport qualifiant Israël de régime d'apartheid.

Abbas a déclaré que les Palestiniens apprécient les positions humanitaires de Khalaf, car elle a refusé de couvrir les crimes commis par les autorités israéliennes d'occupation contre le peuple palestinien.

Le rapport publié mercredi dernier, avait conclu qu’Israël a établi un système d’apartheid contre le peuple palestinien dans son ensemble.

Le rapport de la CESAO a été rédigé par Richard Falk, expert en droit international et ancien rapporteur des Nations unies pour les droits de l'homme dans les territoires palestiniens occupés, et Virginia Tilley, professeur de science politique et expert en affaires israéliennes.



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23 mars 2017 4 23 /03 /mars /2017 07:57
Six days of unjustified detention, with full backing by the military and the courts: As usual, no one will have to answer for it
14 Mar 2017

On Friday, 10 February 2017, at about 4:00 P.M., some twenty to thirty young people and families with children, all residents of the village of Madama, which is located south of Nablus, went on an outing to spot a few hundred meters south of the village. At around 4:15-4:30 P.M., five or six soldiers approached from the area of the settlement of Yitzhar, which is a kilometer and a half away from the where the villagers were relaxing, and threw tear-gas canisters at them. Some of the villagers fled.

Three of the soldiers kept heading north, toward the young people and families, and the rest moved away to the northeast. A few minutes later, Ahmad Ziyadah, 25, a volunteer with B’Tselem’s camera project who lives in Madama and saw the tear-gas canisters, arrived at the scene and began filming the soldiers. The three soldiers approached him, and he was joined by two young men who were there: 19-year-old Muhammad Faraj and 18-year-old Suhayb Qot.


Ziyadah approached the three soldiers, filming them all the while. The footage shows an officer loading his rifle, telling Ziyadah - in Arabic - to go home, and demanding to see his I.D. card. Ziyadah handed the officer his I.D. card and explained that he is a B’Tselem volunteer. The officer checked the I.D. card and returned it. Then an argument ensued: the officer kept insisting that Ziyadah return home, radioed that he planned to handcuff him, ordered one of the soldiers to load his gun, and tried to shift Ziyadah’s camera. A few minutes later two more soldiers arrived. The three soldiers already on the scene approached Ziyadah, grabbed him, knocked him down and kept him pinned to the ground as they handcuffed and blindfolded him.

In testimony given to B’Tselem field researcher Salma a-Deb’i, Ziyadah described what happened:

Ahmad ZiyadahOne of the soldiers grabbed me from behind, and then the soldier who tried to keep me from filming tried to take the camera from me. I held on to the camera, took out the memory card and put it in my mouth. The soldiers pulled the camera case and its strap tore. They cuffed my hands behind my back with plastic cable ties and threw me to the ground, face down. One of the soldiers kept a knee pressed hard on my head. Another put his knee on my back and the third stood on my legs. Whenever I tried to raise my head, the soldier pressed hard on my head, while another soldier kept on pulling the cable ties tighter and tighter. I screamed in pain.

Soldiers pinning Ahmad Ziyadah to the ground and detaining his companions. Photo by Madama resident, 10 Feb. 2017
Soldiers pinning Ahmad Ziyadah to the ground and detaining his companions. Photo by Madama resident, 10 Feb. 2017

Suhayb Qot recounted the events to B’Tselem field researcher Iyad Hadad:

Suhayb QotThe soldiers jumped on Ahmad and pinned him to the ground face down. One of the soldiers put his knee on Ahmad’s head. Other soldiers tied his hands behind him with plastic cable ties. Ahmad had not behaved violently. I tried to intervene and said: “Why are you hitting him like that? He didn’t do anything.” One of them answered: “Shut up and don’t talk. Speak only if we speak to you.” Then I said: “Why are you doing this, he has a card in his wallet proving that he is a B’Tselem photographer. Have a look at the card to confirm it.”

The soldiers handcuffed Qot and Faraj, and then more soldiers arrived. Ten minutes later, at about 5:00 P.M., more Madama residents showed up after they heard about the arrest. The soldiers threw stun grenades at the villagers, who then moved back so they were about ten to twenty meters from the soldiers.

Ahmad’s brother, Mahmoud Ziyadah, 25, who heard about Ahmad’s detention, was among the residents who arrived, and he was assaulted by the soldiers. As he told B’Tselem field researcher Salma a-Deb’i:

Five or six soldiers aimed their guns at me and tried to keep me from getting near Ahmad to see if he was all right. The soldier sitting on him grabbed him by the head and shoved him to the ground. My brother screamed and I told the soldier: “OK, I’m moving back.” I moved a few meters away. I tried again to approach Ahmad and then one of the soldiers loaded his gun and aimed it at my stomach. Then he aimed at my left knee and fired. I immediately fell to the ground. My brother Nashat took me to the car of one of the residents who was nearby, who then drove me to the village of Burin, and from there a Red Crescent ambulance transferred me to a hospital in Nablus. I was examined and X-rayed, and rubber bullet was found in my knee. It was surgically removed. The doctor told me I would have to rest two weeks before I could stand on that leg.

Mahmoud Ziyadah at home, after his surgery. Photo by Salma a-Deb’i, B’Tselem, 12 Feb. 2017


Mahmoud Ziyadah at home, after his surgery. Photo by Salma a-Deb’i, B’Tselem, 12 Feb. 2017


Qot said that two officers arrived, one from the Israeli District Coordination Office (DCO); a long argument about freeing the young men who were detained ensued. At about 6:30 P.M. the soldiers unhandcuffed Qot. Half an hour later Ziyadah was taken on foot toward the security perimeter road around the settlement of Yitzhar. Ziyadah related that there, in the presence of a settlement security guard, the soldiers frisked him and again blindfolded him. They then put him in a jeep and took him to a military base near the village of Tel, and from there to the police station in the settlement of Ariel. Ziyadah was questioned at the police station, and then transferred to the base at Huwarah, where he was held in until Tuesday morning, 14 February 2017. Only then, five days after the incident, was he taken to a hearing in the military court in Salem, where his detention was extended for continued investigation on suspicion of assaulting soldiers and interfering with a soldier in the line of duty. At night, after he was kept in the waiting room in the Salem base, in which he was only given a cup of spread cheese to eat, Ziyadah was returned to the Huwarah base. He was taken the next day to the Ofer military court for a hearing on his appeal against his remand in custody, and it was decided to release him on 500 shekels bail. At about 11:30 P.M. he was released from the Huwarah base.

This case reflects the intolerable ease with which soldiers can abuse their power completely arbitrarily, without hindrance and against the law: A few dozen villagers went out to enjoy nature near their homes. The soldiers who arrived at the scene threw tear gas canisters to disperse them, without any reason. Then the soldiers violently arrested Ziyadah, beat him and detained two people who were with him, also for no reason. One of the soldiers fired a rubber-coated metal bullet at Mahmoud Ziyadah’s leg, from a few meters away, in complete contravention of the rules of engagement, once again for no reason. And finally, after Ahmad Ziyadah was held in custody for six days, the judge at the Salem military court decided to remand him without any evidence that an offense was committed - again, for no reason.

Ahmad Ziyadah was arrested by soldiers on a whim and held in custody for six days without any reason, while the system - the military and the courts - consistently backed the detention. No one will have to answer for Ziyadah’s detention and no one will give him back those six lost days. This is what life under occupation looks like.




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23 mars 2017 4 23 /03 /mars /2017 07:55

ONU, Apartheid, Israël : Rima Khalaf, grain de sable dans une institution onusienne sans courage


L’ambassadeur palestinien au Liban, Ashraf Dabbour, aide Rima Khalaf, à revêtir un châle traditionnel palestinien. 17 mars 2017 (dr)



Le nouveau secrétaire général de l’Organisation des Nations unies (ONU), Antonio Guterres a commencé son mandat par une censure d'un rapport de la Commission économique et sociale pour l'Asie occidentale (ESCWA) accusant Israël de pratiquer l'apartheid à l'égard des Palestiniens.

Rima Khalaf, économiste, ancien ministre jordanienne qui dirige l'ESCWA avait refusé de céder à la pression du Secrétaire général de l'ONU de retirer le rapport et a démissionné de son poste. Le texte annonçant le rapport se trouve toujours sur le site internet de l'ESCWA mais le lien vers le rapport est rompu. Une censure claire qui témoigne d'une célérité remarquable d'Antonia Guterres à obéir aux exigences des Etats-Unis et d'Israël.

Les conclusions du rapport établi par deux grands spécialistes du Droit international, Richard Falk et Virginia Tilley, constataient à la lumière de l'analyse des discriminations subies par les Palestiniens qu'Israël était "coupable de politique et de pratiques constitutives du crime d’apartheid".

Jimmy Carter: Pire qu'en Afrique du sud

Rien de nouveau sous le ciel. En 2006, l'ancien président américain Jimmy Carter, a publié un livre au titre éloquent "Palestine : Peace Not Apartheid" (Palestine : la paix pas l'apartheid), dans lequel il affirme qu'Israël pratiquait un apartheid "pire" qu'en Afrique du Sud.

Jimmy Carter qui défendait l'ouverture d'un débat aux Etats-Unis sur la politique d'Israël avait souligné malgré une vive levée de boucliers que les barrières grillagées, les détecteurs électriques et les blocs de béton installés par Israël le long de la frontière avec la Cisjordanie justifiaient clairement l'utilisation de l'expression Apartheid.

"Je pense même que la situation est pire, dans bien des cas, que l'apartheid en Afrique du Sud" avait-il ajouté en relevant qu'il y a aux Etats-Unis "une formidable intimidation qui réduit nos concitoyens au silence". "Ce silence est observé non seulement par "des individus ou des personnes candidates à des fonctions électives mais aussi par les médias d'information".

"Je soutiens toutes les conclusions du rapport"

A l'évidence, le nouveau secrétaire général de l'ONU n'y échappe pas non plus. Il a rapidement exaucé les exigences des ambassadeurs américain et israélien à l'ONU et a accepté que son premier acte sur la Palestine soit celui d'une censure sans précédent dans les annales de l'ONU.

La jordanienne Rima Khalaf qui a refusé de céder à la pression d'Antonio Guterres a quitté ses fonctions la tête haute et entourée du respect du personnel de l'ECWSA. Dans une conférence de presse organisée vendredi à Beyrouth où se trouve le siège de la Commission, elle a expliqué les raisons de son départ.

"Il (Guterres) m’a demandé hier matin de retirer [le rapport], je lui ai demandé de repenser sa décision mais il a insisté. Sur ce, je lui ai présenté ma démission de l’ONU. Je démissionne parce qu’il est de mon devoir de ne pas dissimuler un crime, je soutiens toutes les conclusions du rapport.".

Fiers d'elle!

"Sa démission est un choc, mais la plupart d’entre nous sommes fiers d’elle. C’est ce qu’elle pouvait faire de mieux. Elle proteste contre un acte de censure qui va à l’encontre de tous les principes des Nations unies" a déclaré au journal Le Monde une source au sein de l'ECWSA.

Le porte-parole d’Antonio Guterres, Stéphane Dujarric, a choisi de jouer sur la forme en assurant que ce n'est pas le contenu du rapport qui posait problème mais la procédure. Un argument qui laisse de marbre, l'ONU et ses organes produisent des quantités de rapports sans attendre l'aval du secrétaire général.

Mais à l'évidence, Israël constitue une exception où le droit international ne s'applique pas. Et ce n'est pas glorieux, ni pour Antonio Guterres, ni pour l'ONU. Rima Khalaf quitte son poste la tête haute. Elle n'a pas cédé et a constitué un grain de sable dans les rouages d'une institution onusienne sans courage. "Les conclusions du rapport sont désormais publiques, a-t-elle déclaré. Elles ont été diffusées largement, tout le monde peut les utiliser.".



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23 mars 2017 4 23 /03 /mars /2017 07:40
Disparition de Rachel Corrie…14 ans après : Le combat continue

-La «martyre» de la Palestine a été fauchée le 16 mars 2003 par un bulldozer de l’armée israélienne dans la Bande de Gaza.

Disparition de Rachel Corrie…14 ans après : Le combat continue

AA / Gaza (Territoires palestiniens) / Mou’men Ghourab

Mars 2003. La militante américaine des droits de l’Homme, Rachel Corrie, s’est dressée, les mains nues et désarmée, face à un bulldozer de l’armée israélienne pour protester contre la démolition de maisons de Palestiniens à Gaza. Rachel a trouvé la mort sous les chenilles de l’outil de guerre pour devenir l’icône de la solidarité mondiale avec les Palestiniens.

Née le 10 avril 1979 dans la ville d’Olympia à Washington, Rachel a consacré sa vie à la défense des droits des Palestiniens. Elle a rallié la Bande de Gaza dans le cadre du Mouvement mondial de solidarité en 2003.

Corrie était réputée pour sa défense acharnée des droits des Palestiniens et de la reconnaissance de leur Etat, son amour pour la paix. La militante a publié de nombreux messages qui illustrent les violations israéliennes.

Le 16 mars 2003, Rachel Corrie a mis son manteau orange et a avancé vers un des bulldozers israéliens tenant à la main un mégaphone interposant sa frêle silhouette dans une tentative de s’opposer à la démolition de la maison d’un citoyen palestinien dans le quartier « Essalem » (Paix) de la ville de Rafah (Sud de la Bande de Gaza).

Les habitants de la Bande de Gaza ont accueilli la nouvelle de la mort de la militante avec stupeur, dès lors qu’il s’agit d’une citoyenne américaine, et d'une activiste pour la paix. C'est ainsi qu'ils lui ont donné le titre de « martyre ». Une cérémonie funéraire imposante a été organisée en son honneur.

Le nom de Rachel Corrie a été attribué à un bateau d’aides irlandais qui s’est dirigé vers la Bande de Gaza. De même que plusieurs films qui portent son nom ont fait la lumière sur la souffrance qu’endurent les Palestiniens dans la Bande de Gaza.

Corrie pensait que ses traits physiques d’étrangère et sa peau blanche la sauveraient des crocs du bulldozer. Pourtant, elle fut dévorée par la gueule de la faucheuse en quelques minutes après que le conducteur de l’engin militaire l’ait délibérément écrasée, selon le Centre palestinien des droits de l’Homme qui citait des personnes accompagnant Corrie au moment de l’accident.

La famille de la défunte a déposé plainte contre Tel-Aviv. Cependant, un tribunal israélien a débouté la famille, et l’assassin a été innocenté en 2013. La Cour a conclu « qu’aucune négligence n’a été commise par le conducteur de l’engin et qu’il ne l’a pas vue avant de la heurter ».

Dans l’un des derniers courriers adressés à sa famille peu avant sa mort tragique, Rachel écrivait : « Je pense qu’aucun travail académique, aucune lecture, aucune participation à des conférences ni même le visionnage de documentaires ou l’écoute d’histoires ou de romans, ne m’auraient permis de saisir la réalité de ce qui se passe ici. Vous ne pouvez imaginer cela si vous ne le constatez pas de votre propre chef. Même après cela, tu réfléchis à longueur de temps si ton expérience reflète la réalité ? ».

Le président de l’Observatoire euro-méditerranéen des droits de l’Homme Rami Abda a indiqué que « le message de la militante Rachel Corrie est resté vivant durant les années précédentes et elle a réussi à le transmettre au monde entier à travers les pratiques israéliennes de tueries à l’encontre du peuple palestinien désarmé ».

Dans une déclaration faite à Anadolu, Rami Abda a ajouté que la militante Corrie a mis à nu les pratiques d’Israël qui viole impunément les droits de l’Homme ».

« L’affaire Corrie est un modèle qui montre qu’Israël fait peu de cas des appels lancés par la Communauté internationale pour mettre un terme à ses violations répétitives », a conclu Rami Abda.



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23 mars 2017 4 23 /03 /mars /2017 07:32
All Syrian sides confirm participation at peace talks: UN
AFP , Tuesday 21 Mar 2017
Syrian government and rebel delegations have confirmed their attendance at peace talks set to resume in Geneva this week, the United Nations said on Tuesday, despite renewed fighting around Damascus.


"All invitees who had already attended the previous round of talks in February 2017 have confirmed their participation", UN spokeswoman Alessandra Vellucci told reporters.

She said UN mediator Staffan de Mistura was currently visiting key powers shaping the conflict -- including Saudi Arabia, Russia and Turkey -- before returning to Geneva to lead the talks.

As de Mistura "completes these consultations, Deputy Special Envoy Ramzy (Ezzeldin Ramzy) will engage the parties bilaterally on 23 March in Geneva to prepare the round ahead," Vellucci said.

The participation of all rebel groups could bolster the UN peace process, after some opposition camps refused to attend separate negotiations in Kazakhstan last week to protest violations of a shaky ceasefire by the Syrian regime.

The parallel series of talks in Astana is aimed at bolstering the truce, in view of supporting the UN negotiations.

Damascus has been the scene of heavy fighting in recent days, with rebels and jihadists making large incursions into the east of the Syrian capital.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime has responded with air strikes on rebel positions.

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22 mars 2017 3 22 /03 /mars /2017 07:09
Publish Date: 2017/03/21
IOF issues halt on construction of seven homes in Salfit

SALFIT, March 21, 2017 (WAFA) – Israeli occupation forces issued on Monday an order to halt construction of seven Palestinian homes in the town of Kafr ed-Deek, in Salfit area in the occupied West Bank, local sources said.

The halt on construction order was issued under the pretext that these seven houses are located in the Area C, under complete Israeli control.

Israel almost never gives Palestinians permission to build in land classified as Area C –the more than 60 percent of the West Bank under full Israeli control – leaving residents no choice but to build their homes without permits.

According to UN OCHA, Israel demolished 1,093 structures in the occupied Palestinian territory, displacing 1,601 Palestinians, which OCHA said were the highest demolition and displacement figures on record.



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