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9 février 2017 4 09 /02 /février /2017 09:25
Publish Date: 2017/02/08
Israeli settlers raze private Palestinian land near Nablus

NABLUS, February 8, 2017 (WAFA) – Only 24 hours after the Israeli parliament gave settlers the green light to grab private West Bank Palestinian land, settlers razed on Tuesday night lands that belong to Palestinians in the village of Jaloud, south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank, Ghassan Daghlas, a local official, said on Wednesday.

He told WAFA that settlers entered the private land during the night hours and razed around 15,000 square meters of the land.

Jaloud is surrounded by three settlement outposts; Ahiya, Aish Kodesh and 'Adi Ad.

Settlers had earlier seized Palestinian land in the village of Madama, south of Nablus, and planted it with grape seedlings after they seized a water well in the area.



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9 février 2017 4 09 /02 /février /2017 09:21
Israeli forces demolish Bedouin village of al-Araqib for 109th time
Feb. 8, 2017 12:02 P.M. (Updated: Feb. 8, 2017 1:08 P.M.)
NEGEV (Ma'an) -- Israeli bulldozers Wednesday morning demolished the unrecognized Bedouin village of al-Araqib in the Negev region of southern Israel for the 109th time.



Israeli forces raided the village early Wednesday, surrounding the residents' makeshift tents, and proceeded to raze them to ground.


Israeli forces also demanded that the residents pay 2 million shekels (approximately $532,750) for the cumulative cost of Israeli-enforced demolitions carried out against the village since the first time it was destroyed in 2010.



Palestinians who have built without Israeli-issued building permits, both inside and Israel and in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, have the choice of self-demolishing the unauthorized structures or paying hefty fines that cover the costs of Israeli forces demolishing the structures.


Member of the local committee Aziz Sayyah told Ma’an that they “demolished the village without considering the weather and the impact this will have on residents now made homeless.” The weather in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory remains cold, particularly during night hours.



“No matter how many times they demolish and destroy our village, they will not break our spirits,” Sayyah added. “Al-Araqib is ours and we are here to stay.”


Al-Araqib is one of 35 Bedouin villages considered “unrecognized” by the Israeli state. According to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), more than half of the approximately 160,000 Negev Bedouins reside in unrecognized villages.


Demolitions targeting Palestinians with full Israeli citizenship have been the target of widespread protests in recent weeks, after an Israeli police raid to evacuate the unrecognized Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran left two people killed.


While Bedouins of the Negev are Israeli citizens, the villages unrecognized by the government have faced relentless efforts by the Israeli authorities to expel them from their lands in order to make room for Jewish Israeli homes.


The classification of their villages as “unrecognized” prevents Bedouins from developing or expanding their communities, as their villages are considered illegal by Israeli authorities.
Israeli authorities have also refused to connect unrecognized Bedouin villages to the national water and electricity grids, while excluding the communities from access to health and educational services, and basic infrastructure.


Rights groups have claimed that the demolition of al-Araqib and other unrecognized Bedouin villages is a central Israeli policy aimed at removing the indigenous Palestinian population from the Negev and transferring them to government-zoned townships to make room for the expansion of Jewish Israeli communities.
Indigenous rights groups have also pointed out that the transfer of the Bedouins into densely populated townships also removes them from their traditional semi-nomadic lifestyles which is dependent on access to a wide range of grazing land for their animals.


Former UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya released a report on the treatment of the Bedouin in the Negev back in 2011, shortly before the Israeli cabinet approved plans to relocate some 30,000 Bedouins from 13 unrecognized villages to government-approved townships, reporting that Bedouins in the permanent townships "rank on the bottom of all social and economic indicators and suffer from the highest unemployment rates and income levels in Israel."
The unrecognized Bedouin villages were established in the Negev soon after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war following the creation of the state of Israel.
Many of the Bedouins were forcibly transferred to the village sites during the 17-year period when Palestinians inside Israel were governed under Israeli military law, which ended shortly before Israel's military takeover of Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in 1967.


Now more than 60 years later, the villages have yet to be recognized by Israel and live under constant threats of demolition and forcible removal.


Meanwhile, Israeli Jewish communities in the Negev continuously expand, with five new Jewish housing plans approved last year. According to an investigation undertaken by Israeli rights groups ACRI and Bimkom, two of the approved communities are located in areas where unrecognized Bedouin villages already exist.
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9 février 2017 4 09 /02 /février /2017 09:18
Israël légalise le vol des terres palestiniennes
L’effet Trump se concrétise sur le terrain

le 08.02.17 | 10h00

Donald Trump à une réunion du puissant lobby juif américain Aipac

La Knesset, le Parlement israélien, a voté, lundi, une loi qui permet à l’Etat hébreu de s’approprier des centaines d’hectares de terres palestiniennes en Cisjordanie occupée, rendant impossible tout retour au processus de paix.

Le vote de cette loi controversée en Israël même, le chef de l’opposition et du parti travailliste, Isaac Hertzog, l’a qualifiée de «loi abjecte» qui annexerait des millions de Palestiniens et exposerait les soldats et les hommes politiques israéliens à des procès devant les tribunaux criminels internationaux.

La Paix maintenant, une ONG israélienne opposée à la colonisation, estime que cette loi fera des citoyens israéliens des voleurs et constituera une tache dans les livres de loi d’Israël.

Cette loi «légalisera» 53 colonies «sauvages» et, au minimum, plus de 800 hectares de terres palestiniennes feront l’objet d’expropriation, affirme l’ONG israélienne. Cette nouvelle loi vise donc à légaliser le vol des terres palestiniennes au regard du droit israélien et constituera un pas de plus vers l’annexion de plus de terres palestiniennes, à l’image de l’occupation et de l’annexion de la ville sainte d’El Qods (Jérusalem-Est) en 1967. Dans un communiqué publié après le vote de la Knesset, l’Organisation de libération de la palestine (OLP) a accusé la loi en question de «légaliser le vol».

«La loi atteste de la volonté du gouvernement israélien de détruire toute chance de solution politique», a souligné l’OLP, estimant que l’entreprise de colonisation israélienne est une entrave à la paix et à la possibilité d’une solution à deux Etats. De son côté, Nabil Abou Roudeina, le porte-parole officiel de la présidence palestinienne, a vivement critiqué la nouvelle loi israélienne, indiquant qu’elle est contraire à la résolution 2334 du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU.

Celle-ci adoptée par le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU le 23 décembre 2016, par 14 voix pour et l’abstention des Etats-Unis, dénonce la colonisation israélienne dans les Territoires palestiniens occupés en 1967, y compris à El Qods (Jérusalem-Est), et réclame son arrêt immédiat pour permettre la réalisation de la solution à deux Etats, soutenue par l’ensemble de la communauté internationale. Le porte-parole de la présidence palestinienne a appelé la communauté internationale à «prendre ses responsabilités avant d’aboutir à une étape difficile à contrôler».

Connivence de la nouvelle administration Américaine

Le vote de cette loi, approuvée par 60 députés et rejetée par 52, légalisant le vol de terres palestiniennes par Israël, n’aurait jamais été rendu possible sans un feu vert de l’Administration américaine et du président Donald Trump en personne.

D’ailleurs des déclarations de hauts responsables israéliens, dont le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu, font état d’une coordination avec l’allié américain bien avant la séance du vote. Depuis Londres, Netanyahu a indiqué avoir informé l’Administration du président Trump du projet et que le vote aurait lieu le même jour. «On ne prend pas ses amis par surprise, on les informe.

C’est ce que j’ai fait», a dit le Premier ministre israélien cité par des médias locaux. Bezalel Smotrich, du Foyer juif, parti nationaliste religieux représentant des colons israéliens et l’un des instigateurs du projet de loi, s’est félicité de l’élection du président Trump «sans lequel la loi ne serait probablement pas passée». La déclaration faite par la Maison-Blanche jeudi dernier, disant que la construction de nouvelles colonies israéliennes dans les Territoires palestiniens pourrait représenter une entrave à la paix, semble aujourd’hui n’être que des mots dépourvus de tout sens.

L’accord israélo-américain sur l’adoption de cette loi, qui montre le visage hideux de l’occupation israélienne, prouve à quel point le président Donald Trump est décidé à tenir ses promesses faites au cours de sa campagne électorale. En résumé pour Trump, Israël, seul, décide quoi donner et quoi garder des terres palestiniennes, méprisant totalement la légitimité ainsi que le droit international.

Depuis le jour de l’investiture du président Trump, le 20 janvier, le gouvernement de droite israélien a décidé la construction de plus de 6000 unités coloniales, un record ! Montrant l’échec de l’Organisation des Nations unies a faire face à l’obstination israélienne de détruire la solution à deux Etats, Nickolay Mladenov, le coordonnateur pour la paix de cette organisation créée pour protéger les intérêts des peuples, s’est suffi à se dire «inquiet» que le texte ne «réduise grandement les perspectives de paix».

Fares Chahine
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9 février 2017 4 09 /02 /février /2017 09:15
Publish Date: 2017/02/08
Japan strongly deplores adoption of Israeli law legalizing settlements in private Palestinian land

TOKYO, February 8, 2017 (WAFA) - The Government of Japan deeply deplored the Israeli Knesset’s adoption of a law that legalizes tens of illegal Israeli settlements and outposts in the West Bank and in East Jerusalem.

In a statement attributable to the Foreign Press Secretary Norio Maruyama, he said “settlement activities are in violation of international law and the Government of Japan has repeatedly called upon the Government of Israel to fully freeze settlement activities.”

Japan strongly urged Israel not to implement the law and desist from unilateral actions that are undermining the viability of a two-state solution.




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8 février 2017 3 08 /02 /février /2017 09:15

B'Tselem's response to Regulation Bill: a semblance of legality to ongoing plunder

6 Feb 2017

The law passed by the Knesset today proves yet again that Israel has no intention of ending its control over the Palestinians or its theft of their land.

Lending a semblance of legality to this ongoing act of plunder is a disgrace for the state and its legislature.

Passing the bill mere weeks after UN Security Council Resolution 2334 is a slap in the face of the international community.

While enshrining the dispossession in law is a new development, in practice it is another facet of the massive land grab carried out openly for decades by declaring "state land".



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8 février 2017 3 08 /02 /février /2017 09:14
Israeli air strikes continue on Gaza

GAZA, February 6, 2017 (WAFA) – Israeli air strikes continued Monday on the Gaza Strip with jets firing missiles at open areas east of Gaza and tanks firing shells near Shajaiyeh, northern Gaza, according to local sources.

They said the air strikes panicked residents and spread fear among children while causing serious damage to the areas the missiles hit. No one was hurt.

Tanks stationed along the northern border of Gaza with Israel also fired shells at open land along the borderline causing damage but no injuries.

Missiles fired earlier by jets injured one elderly Palestinian man in northern Gaza.

Israel says the attacks came in response to the firing of one shell from Gaza at southern Israel without causing any damage or injury.





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8 février 2017 3 08 /02 /février /2017 09:10
Israeli forces demolish Palestinian structures in the Jordan Valley
Feb. 7, 2017 1:15 P.M. (Updated: Feb. 7, 2017 3:53 P.M.)
Demolitions in Kardala on Feb. 7
NABLUS (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces demolished Palestinian-owned structures in the Jordan Valley region of the occupied West Bank on Tuesday morning in two separate incidents, according to locals and a United Nations agency.

In the village of Kardala, located on the northeastern edge of the occupied West Bank, Israeli forces demolished tents and shacks used as a sheep barn, according to Muataz Bisharat, who monitors settlement-related activities in the Jordan Valley.

Bisharat told Ma’an that bulldozers under heavy Israeli military protection demolished the structures, which constituted an area of approximately 180 square meters.

According to Bisharat, the sheep barns belonged to local Bassam Ali Radwan Fuqaha, who was delivered a demolition warrant that said his barn was illegally built in an Israeli military zone.

In response to a request for comment on the two incidents, a spokesperson for COGAT, the Israeli agency responsible for implementing Israeli government policies in the occupied territory, said: "This morning an enforcement took place against an illegal structure that was built without the required permits in (Kardala). The enforcement took place after receiving the relevant warrants."

Demolitions in Kardala on Feb. 7


Meanwhile, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the occupied Palestinian territory said in an initial report that another demolition was carried out Tuesday morning in Khirbet Ras al-Ahmar, located just south of Kardala, without providing further details.

A COGAT spokesperson said in regards to the incident that "an enforcement took place against two illegal structures that were build in a closed military zone near Tubas," referring to a main town a few kilometers west of Khirbet Ras al-Ahmar.

"This enforcement took place after a similar enforcement had already been carried out in the area in the past," they said, adding that "Building in closed military zones is extremely dangerous, and risks human lives. The enforcement took place after receiving the required warrants."

The demolitions came after Israeli forces carried out demolitions in the Jordan Valley on at least five other occasions since the beginning of the year, under the pretext that the structures were located in a “firing zone.”

Rights groups have said that Israeli military training zones, known as a "firing zones," are used as a pretext to fully annex portions of the occupied West Bank.

Nearly 20 percent of the occupied West Bank has been declared "firing zones" since the 1970s, but according to the UN, some 80 percent of these areas are not in fact used for military training. However, when military training does take place, Israel forces families to leave their homes for hours or days at a time until the drill is over.

The Jordan Valley forms a third of the occupied West Bank, with 88 percent of its land classified as Area C -- under full Israeli military control.

Demolitions of Palestinian infrastructure and residences occur frequently in Area C, with the Jordan Valley’s Bedouin and herding communities being particularly vulnerable to such policies.

According to OCHA, demolitions in two small herding communities in Area C last month involved the demolition of 19 structures, including 15 that were provided as humanitarian aid.

Israel almost never gives Palestinians permission to build in land classified as Area C -- the more than 60 percent of the West Bank under full Israeli control -- leaving residents no choice but to build their homes without permits.

Meanwhile, Israel demolished a record 1,093 structures in the occupied Palestinian territory in 2016, displacing 1,601 Palestinians, which OCHA said were the highest demolition and displacement figures on record.

Since the start of 2017, Israeli forces have already demolished 119 Palestinian structures in the occupied territory, displacing at least 177 Palestinians, according to OCHA, while Israel has also targeted Palestinians communities inside Israel with demolitions, which rights groups argued were part of the same Israeli policy of forcible displacement also carried out against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

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8 février 2017 3 08 /02 /février /2017 09:05
Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem

It appears there is some confusion in the new administration in Washington that came to power last week. After repeated promises Trump made about moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, news leaks in the Israeli press indicate that this decision has been put on hold for a while. US-Israeli officials had already started discussing the move and a US delegation headed off to the site designated for the embassy compound in occupied East Jerusalem, one of the Arab territories seized and occupied by Israel in the 1967 War.

The pledge to move the US embassy to Jerusalem is not new. It has been reiterated regularly by US presidential candidates from both parties who would dutifully march over to AIPAC’s offices in Washington to perform the rites of homage that include this pledge. Then, after taking the oath of office, the winner would sign an existing law calling for the move to be deferred for six months and he would continue to sign that law at the stipulated intervals until vacating the White House. Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr and Obama all did this. The ritual was repeated in the last US elections. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump sallied over to the powerful pro-Israel lobby and recited the pledge to move the embassy, which the folks at AIPAC have come to realise is for campaign purposes in order to win the votes of Jewish Americans. But now that Trump is in office, will he — in spite of the reported delay — actually go ahead and move the embassy?

One thing is for sure: Trump is determined to be different from his predecessors. He would therefore be driven by impulse to sign the go-ahead. However, he faces certain constraints, one being major US agencies and institutions, the other being the Arab states that Trump regards as US friends or allies, such as Egypt.

To be sure, such institutions as the State Department, the Pentagon and the CIA have a crucial role to play in this matter. They will try to persuade Trump that moving the embassy would damage the US’ image and American interests in the Middle East. They will also point out that for reasons pertaining security, the fight against radical fundamentalist groups and the war against terrorism the decision to move the embassy is not a wise one and should continue to be deferred.

To move the embassy to East Jerusalem, a territory occupied by force, would constitute a flagrant violation of international law and UN resolutions. This might not mean much to the new US president but it does mean something to the standing institutions immediately responsible for the promotion, safety and wellbeing of US interests at home and abroad which, in this region, depend on maintaining good relations with a number of moderate Arab states, foremost among which is Egypt. Officials in those institutions will undoubtedly try to explain to Trump that moving the embassy will greatly hamper Egypt’s ability to work effectively with his administration. They will also explain that the move would be tantamount to a magic wand that would breathe new life and vigour into extremist groups and terrorist organisations that exploit national causes and trade in people’s suffering in order to amass support. By moving the embassy to occupied East Jerusalem Trump would effectively trigger terrorist attacks against American interests and Western interests in general, and against Arab countries trying to cooperate with the US, because terrorist groups carrying out those attacks would know that they could garner quite a bit of support among large swathes of Arab and Muslim public opinion by casting themselves as defenders of the Holy Places.

I imagine that officials from the State Department, Pentagon and CIA are already working to convince the new US president to be prudent and to sign the law to defer moving the embassy for six months. This would present an opportunity for Arab capitals that have good standing with Trump to press home the dangers inherent in a decision to move the US embassy to Jérusalem.



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7 février 2017 2 07 /02 /février /2017 09:39
Publish Date: 2017/02/03
Hundreds of settlers storm Islamic religious sites near Nablus

NABLUS, February 3, 2017 (WAFA) – Hundreds of Israeli settlers early Friday stormed Islamic religious sites in Awarta village, southeast of Nablus, in the northern West Bank, said local sources.

Under Israeli forces’ protection, ten buses packed with settlers stormed the village and performed Jewish rituals at Islamic holy sites at the western side of the village.

During the raid, large Israeli troops deployed inside the village and at its entrances.

Settlers repeatedly attack Palestinians and storm their historical religious and archaeological sites in an attempt to acquire and claim the sites as Israeli and obliterate Palestinian history and culture.

This came shortly after settlers took Thursday evening to the streets around Nablus, causing Israeli troops to close Huwwara checkpoint in both directions.





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7 février 2017 2 07 /02 /février /2017 09:37
L’évacuation d’Amona achevée, le lobby des colons est plus fort que jamais

Le gouvernement à promis la création d'une nouvelle implantation, la première depuis 25 ans.



Des centaines de policiers israéliens ont extrait de force, hier, des colons retranchés dans la synagogue de la colonie d'Amona en Cisjordanie occupée, épilogue d'un psychodrame qui a poussé le gouvernement à promettre la création d'une nouvelle implantation, la première depuis 25 ans.

Il a fallu des heures aux policiers pour forcer les accès du lieu de prière et achever la vaste opération, lancée la veille, pour faire partir les 200 à 300 habitants de cette colonie vouée à la démolition sur ordre de la Cour suprême.

Retransmise par les chaînes israéliennes, l'évacuation théâtrale a constitué le point d'orgue d'une bataille de plusieurs années aux lourds enjeux humains, politiques et diplomatiques. Il a fallu longtemps aux policiers pour venir à bout des plaques de métal et des madriers placés derrière portes et fenêtres, en se protégeant derrière des boucliers contre les crachats, les substances caustiques et les projectiles lancés par les interstices.

À l'intérieur, des dizaines de jeunes gens regroupés autour de deux rabbins faisaient barrage de leurs corps. Les policiers ont fini par attaquer les parois et les ouvertures du préfabriqué à la scie circulaire. Enfin dans la place, ils ont extirpé les irréductibles un à un par les bras et les pieds.

Beaucoup étaient des adolescents venus des colonies environnantes avec la conviction inébranlable que ces terres de Cisjordanie, territoire palestinien occupé par Israël depuis 1967, sont israéliennes selon la Bible, quoi qu'en disent les juges, les Palestiniens ou la communauté internationale. « Nous partons le cœur brisé », a dit l'un des rabbins, Yaïr Frank, « nous avons agi pour la terre d'Israël et le peuple d'Israël ».


Une première colonie depuis 1992
La veille, les policiers s'étaient empoignés avec des centaines de jeunes les accusant de trahir le peuple juif, dans une confusion de cris, de chants et occasionnellement de jets de pierres. Les policiers étaient parvenus, à grand-peine, à évacuer la quasi-totalité des dizaines de préfabriqués dans lesquels s'étaient installés les colons depuis la fin des années 1990, en haut d'une colline pelée et venteuse, présumée biblique.
« Huit policiers ont été blessés aujourd'hui, 24 mercredi.

Quatorze personnes ont été arrêtées mercredi. On compte les arrestations pour aujourd'hui. Le but était d'évacuer la zone, c'est chose faite », a dit hier le porte-parole de la police, Micky Rosenfeld. Amona devrait être démolie la semaine prochaine, a-t-il ajouté.

L'évacuation pourrait rester comme le début de ce que le ministre israélien de la Défense, Avigdor Lieberman, a qualifié de « nouvelle époque » pour la colonisation. De fait, le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu a annoncé mercredi soir la formation d'un groupe chargé de rechercher rapidement le terrain de ce qui serait une nouvelle colonie pour les gens d'Amona.

Si la colonisation s'est poursuivie sous tous les gouvernements israéliens depuis 1967, aucun n'avait officiellement annoncé de nouvelle colonie depuis 1992, avant les accords d'Oslo sur l'autonomie palestinienne, a dit Hagit Ofran, de l'organisation anticolonisation La Paix maintenant.

C'est une « décision très grave », a ajouté Mme Ofran, tout en précisant que le relatif moratoire observé depuis 1992 n'avait pas empêché, loin de là, la colonisation. Soit Israël construisait à l'intérieur de colonies existantes, soit il reconnaissait rétroactivement des colonies dépourvues de son approbation officielle.

Les colons gagnent par K.-O.
Amona, qui était l'une de ces colonies sauvages, a cristallisé la problématique de la colonisation à un moment charnière.

Elle a servi l'agenda du lobby des colons, jusqu'au sein du gouvernement. Elle a inspiré un projet de loi qui permettrait de légaliser 55 colonies sauvages et de s'approprier des centaines d'hectares de terre palestinienne.

Un pas de plus vers l'annexion de la Cisjordanie que réclament ouvertement certains ministres, selon les détracteurs du texte.

À la différence d'Israël, l'ONU considère toutes les colonies comme illégales et comme un obstacle à la paix, toujours insaisissable, entre Israéliens et Palestiniens.

Tourmenté par sa droite et par les enquêtes de police, M. Netanyahu s'est engouffré dans l'espace ouvert par l'avènement de Donald Trump, jetant aux orties la relative retenue qu'il était forcé d'observer, selon lui, sous la pression « énorme » de l'administration Obama.

Depuis le 20 janvier, Israël a annoncé la construction de plus de 6 000 logements de colonisation. Sans s'être installé dans le cœur des Israéliens, « le mouvement des colons (qui fêtera son 50e anniversaire dans cinq mois) a gagné par K.-O. la guerre » dans le débat public, écrivait le quotidien Maariv.
(Source : AFP)




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